Chapter 4

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Zabuza's clone rose out of the water, coming straight at us angrily.

"You three think you're ninja because you have headbands? You're pathetic. A real ninja is someone who has had multiple brushes with death.once you're good enough to be in my bingo book, you can call yourself a ninja.""Zabuza growled, disappearing. He reappeared in front of Naruto, kicking him backwards and causing his headband to fly off.

"Naruto-kun!!" I yelled, quickly running and catching him. We slid back as his full weight hit me, knocking the breath out of me. Zabuza chuckled as he watched us.

"Just a couple of brats." he said, watching us get up. I glared as Kakashi yelled at us to take Tazuna away. Naruto seemed to be having an internal debate, until he stood and suddenly charged at the clone. I watched wide eyes as he was once again kicked into me. This time, I was ready, and barely lost my breath. I watched him, wondering why he would do something that stupid, when he tied his forehead protector around his head. I smirked and gave him a fist bump. Naruto looked over at Zabuza, hate in his eyes.

"Hey.. Eyebrowless freak.. Put this in your stupid handbook. The man who will one day become Hokage.." Sasuke hn'd, causing us to look over at him. We looked at each other, and though we had only known each other for a short time, we immediately knew we were thinking the same thing.

"Sasuke, lend me your ear." Naruto called, telling Sasuke his plan.

"Now.. Let's get wild!" Naruto yelled.

"This fight was over the moment I got caught! Our duty is to protect Tazuna-san! did you forget that?!" Kakashi roared, causing us to turn to Tazuna himself.

"Fight as much as you want. I planted this seed. I'm not going to say I desire to live so much that I would stop you." He told us, and Naruto grinned. Sinister laughing caused everyone to look to the clone of Zabuza.

"Still playing ninja, eh? When i was your age, these hands were already dyed red with blood." Zabuza said, staring at his hands. Kakashi mumbled something, and Zabuza chuckled a bit.

"So you've heard of me, Kakashi?" He said darkly. As Kakashi explained the graduation exam of the Hidden Mist village, I concentrated on the clone. Maybe... Maybe i can freeze it from the inside out.. I thought, furrowing my eyebrows. I slowly took off my gloves, trying not to get noticed. Kakashi, however, caught me and watched curiously. I watched as all of a sudden, Zabuza attacked Sasuke and attempted to crush his ribcage. Naruto yelled out and created hundreds of shadow clones to attack the clone. I watched from my position in front of Tazuna and raised my hand, hoping for this to work. As Naruto and Sasuke carried out their plans, I concentrated, doing what Kasai had told me.

"Concentrate... let it go.." I muttered, and watched astonished as the clone stopped, looking down at itself, before i yelled fiercely and it exploded, sharp pieces of ice going everywhere. I panted and watched as Kakashi and Zabuza fought, not noticing the destroyed clone. Sasuke, however, looked at me, his eyes wide.

"What the hell was that, Aisu?!" he whisper yelled, his eyes on the battle. I sighed, about to explain, but the large wave of water coming at us stopped me. I automatically threw my hands up as it was on us, but not a drop of water touched over us. The wave continued behind us, but covering us was a large ice shelter, keeping the water out. I breathed hard, my eyes wide as Tazuna and Sasuke stared at me.

"Um.." I started, the ice melting away from us, but Sasuke's attention shifted and i turned, only to see Zabuza's body being taken by a hunter nin, who was intently watching me. I ignored him and rushed over to Naruto, who was on the ground.

"Naruto-kun, are you hurt?" I asked, pulling my gloves back on. He shook his head no, and a thud behind me caused me to turn quickly.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled, as Sasuke watched with an eyebrow raised. I checked him over and sighed slightly, turning to my temporary team.

"He's okay, just exhausted his chakra." I said, standing shakily. Sasuke watched me as Naruto whined about having to carry Kakashi. Spots were erupting in front of my eyes as I attempted walking. All I heard was Naruto yelling my name and Sasuke's sigh next to my ear as I blacked out.


So I know i was gone for a long time, but its summer now so i should be good to upload :D


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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