Chapter 2

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"Aisu-chan, where did you say you were from?" Naruto asked, eyeing me curiously. I pulled my braid over my shoulder, playing with the ends as I walked.

"I do not know where I am from. But Kasai and I have been in that orphanage for about 10 years. We've been trained as kunoichi for that long as well." I said calmly, my eyes watching the blue skies. A splash caught my attention, followed by a wetness on my toes. I looked down to realize I was standing almost in a puddle. Almost meaning the puddle was slowly freezing over. My eyes widened and my breath quickened as I quickly stepped out of the puddle, my eyes turned down. I heard the deep crack that signifies completely frozen through water and flinched as I felt their eyes on me. I pulled a pair of simple black gloves on to cover my hands.

"Aisu-chan, look out!" Naruto yelled. I turned quickly, in time to block the claws of one of our opponents. My eyes turned cold and hateful as I glared at the man, ice slowly freezing up his claws.

"Aisu. Calm down and let him go." Kakashi's voice said firmly. My face transformed instantly from a look of hatred to one of horror as I quickly let go of the man, shoving him towards Kakashi and walking a bit ahead of the group. I heard them whispering, about me, and how the mission is a b rank, and how Naruto is injured. All of a sudden, Naruto was in front of me, begging me to heal his injured hand. I smiled slightly and agreed, quickly healing the knuckle head. We continued walking, Tazuna looking guilty as ever.

"Aisu-san, may I talk to you?" Kakashi asked. I let out a deep breath and nodded, keeping my calm mask on. I slowed, not taking my eyes off the road ahead as we began to get close to a river.

'Aisu, do you know what I'm going to ask you?" Kakashi asked, his one black eye gazing into my own stormy gray ones. I nodded, looking at my gloved hands.

"I was born with it. I always wear gloves... they control it, because I don't know how to. I try to ignore it, to conceal it. I think, 'Maybe I won't feel it. I can't let anyone know.' Kasai is the same way with fire, but she can control it better than me." I said quietly, trying to keep Naruto and Sasuke from hearing. Kakashi nodded, lost in thought.

"Aisu, what is your last name?" Kakashi asked. I shrugged my shoulders half-heartedly. We reached a body of water and climbed in a boat, which the owner began paddling to the shore of Wave Country.

"Naruto, shut up!" I hissed, pulling him down after his outburst about the size of Tazuna's bridge. Everyone glared at him as he shrunk down beside me, a chibi form of him crying anime tears behind me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the orange clad shinobi as we reached the shore, finally. I was last to climb out, almost falling in the water, if not for Sasuke grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I quickly snatched my hand away and jogged up by Kakashi and Tazuna who were already walking towards Tazuna's house. All of a sudden, Naruto threw a kunai into the bushes, causing all of us to go on guard. My eyes narrowed as I slowly walked to Naruto, knocked him over the head, watched him tumble onto his face, then continued walking, my hands behind my head as I whistled.

" Please don't play around with your shuriken. They are dangerous." Kakashi breathed. I rolled my eyes while Tazuna yelled at Naruto. A rustle in the bushes to my left caused me to turn and throw a shuriken, the thunk loud in the suddenly quiet group. Naruto crept over and parted the bushes, the sight causing me to sigh. A snow hare. My eyes narrowed at the rabbit Naruto was squeezing to death. Its coat should be white... It's almost June... I thought to myself.

"Everyone take cover!!" Kakashi yelled. My eyes widened as I watched the blade coming for me. I felt a hard pull on my braid, causing me to fall with a shriek, a few of my snowy white hairs floating in the air after being cut off. I turned and snarled at Sasuke, who had pulled my braid.

"Don't fucking touch my hair.' I growled at the ravenette, not even paying attention to the man who had thrown the blade.

"We have more important things to worry about, idiot." Sasuke snarled as we jumped into formation. I finally noticed the fog, my eyes widening as I realized how much trouble we had actually gotten into.


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