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"We need to go dad!" I yelled from downstairs, "hurry up, or we'll be late."

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and immediately tied up my black vans.

"You ready?" My dad asked, he was wearing a blue button down dress shirt and black pants, belt, and shoes. His hair slicked to the side in a professional manner. I on the other hand had on a thin long sleeved black shirt tucked into my blue pants and black belt, we had uniforms. My light brown hair tied in a messy bun, curls flying everywhere, my face didn't have a single trace of make-up. I looked lazy compared to my dad.

"Yeah," I walked out the door and into the car. I plugged in my earphones listening to The Black Keys' "Lonely Boy." I closed my eyes as we backed out of the driveway. We lived in an apartment by the way.

You know it's kind of funny how fast you don't know what is going on, one minute you're fine, singing along to songs, and then the next, you open your eyes and you're crashing into a truck, BAM your dad is gone, and you have a big chunk of glass stuck in your left arm, your dominant one. "DAD!" I groaned in pain, my vision blurring with tears and blood flowing down my arm like a river.

In the midst of it all, I saw the shadow of a man. He was approaching us with, what I thought was worry, but the next thing I know he pulls out a gun and shoots the engine. One pierces through my foot.

I don't know what was in those bullets that made the engine go on fire, and also my foot, I grabbed a water bottle and poured it on my foot, hissing.

"Dad! Dad wake up! Please wake up." I scream. The adrenaline coursing through my body is insane.

I grab his seat belt and pull him through the window. I hadn't noticed that we flipped over.

"Dad, please. Please wake up. I'll do anything! Take me away too! I have no one left... Take me." It's almost like someone listened to me, because I hear the click of the safety on the gun, and the cold barrel of a revolver press against my head.

"Move away from the body." His voice sent pure fear. It was raspy and deep. I refused to move, "Move away or I'll shoot him, and he won't be so alive anymore." My head snapped toward my dad, indeed he was alive. He was barely breathing though. I listened to the voice and stepped away, but it didn't matter. He still blew his brains out. I fell to the floor, not being able to handle it. I heard screaming, shrill, endless screaming. I didn't know it was mine until I felt my lungs burning for oxygen.

The man was approaching me, a bit dazed from the scream.

I stood up and ran, ran to a fence that only a small, petite thing like me could fit through. Even I managed to scratch the side of my cheek, arms and my pants to rip. The man shot at random directions through the hole. I drop down to the floor, the thick grass around me, concealing me. My vision starts to go black, and the mans low grunt, it was your fault. Was the last thing I thought of, before everything went dark..


"Oh my fucking god, we found a dead body!" Someone says. I groan in pain.

"I told you its not dead!" I feel like I can't move, like there's something on top of me. I whimper.

" Hello?" I let out a cry whenever his hand touches my arm. "She's hurt. We need to get her to dad." My heart constricts at the word 'dad.' He's dead, I have no one. Its your fault.

I feel a hot, burning tear roll down my cheek. Then two, the three, then non-stop crying.

"Shit," He swore, and lifted me carefully. I didn't dare open my eyes, I was scared. My body ached all over, I was cold. Even if his warmth was radiating off him. I couldn't think straight. I could feel the blood starting to pump out of my wounds. My head got foggy and I couldn't think straight....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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