Chapter 2: "It's not over until I say it's over!"

Start from the beginning

"That's funny, he asked me the same thing!" Issac laughed and looked over at my father and Garret. "ooh! Just in time to see some killing."

My father grinned and shook his head, "I love that boy." He said to me and nodded his head towards Issac causing me to roll my eye's.

"I choose the first option," Garret wheezed out and my father dropped his hand with a huff.

"Damn it." He cursed, only for him to smirk, "you are being demoted to the Omega house."

"What!?" Garret blanched.

My father's smirk widened, "an Alpha ranking assassin does not act out the way you just did, especially towards his future Luna. Once you learn some respect, I might consider you to work you're way back up the ranks."

Garret walked away with his head hung, he knew there was no fighting my father I once he's made up his mind.

My father then turned to Issac and grinned, "are you excited about the fight? When you beat him, it will automatically move you up to Alpha rank and you'd be the first to beat Tyrone."

"When he beats him!? Isaac's going to get squashed like an ant!" I shouted.

Issac grinned at me with a mischievous look in his eye's, "Tinkerbell, want to know a secret?"

I shrugged, "not really, I'm sure you'll tell me anyways."

"You don't hold the title for most kills. I do." He informed me with a proud look.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

This time, my father spoke up, "Issac has 2,469 kills in his name, all across the world. He's the deadliest man in supernatural history."

I looked over at Isaac's face, he was grinning like a crazed lunatic, "it's the truth, Quinton has been trying to recruit me since I was ten."

"Why ten?" I asked trying to wrap my head around this.

"That's when I got my first kill, he saw I had potential and wanted to advance me training. I had declined until I knew my sister was okay on her own.",

I nodded and ran my hand through my hair, then tackled Issac to the ground.

Issac shrieked and tried pushing me off him as I punched him anywhere I could hit, "you stole my title!?"

I felt my dad's arm's wrap around my waist, trying to pry me off of the defenseless Issac.

"If it makes you feel better, you are the deadliest woman in the world! You still have that title!" He cried, covering his face.

"I've worked my ass off for that title and I didn't even have it to begin with!" I snarled.

He finally grabbed ahold of my wrists and in a flash, I was pinned against the ground with my wrists above my head, held there by Isaac's strong grip.

"Well, this I think I'll let you two figure this mess out, I don't want to be her next target," my traitorous father said as he walked away.

I glared at Issac and he grinned sexily at me, "hi."

"Fuck you!"

"You have, twice. Both times were amazing, I might add."

Despite my anger, a smile made it's way to my face, "how didn't I know about you're kill record?"

"You have."

"I think I would have remembered seeing you're name."

"I don't go by Issac when I'm working, I go by Killer."

Supernatural Misfit's: Breaking The Assassin (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now