Challenge 2: Day 18

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My favorite birthday:

My favorite birthday would be my 15th birthday. I had invited my friends to watch a movie or two and eat something.

So we put on The Conjuring. Not all of my friends love horror so I started with that one since it's not that scary.
It was kind of funny because two of my friends were on one of the couches, four others were laying down on the carpet and then me and one other friend were on the other couch. There was chips and cheese and other food on the carpet as well so that everyone could grab some.

So during the movie we all made stupid comments like "Yeah, creepy noise from the basement, go in! Nothing bad ever happened in horror movies to the person in the basement." and such... And now that nobody was really paying attention to the movie except for maybe three people, a jumpscare happened. My friend on the couch with me screamed so hard, my ears hurt, but it gets better.

Because nobody payed attention we were all scared shitless of the scream that filled the room, causing one of the girls on the carpet to jump up and land on the plate with cheese. Naturally the cheese went flying all over the place! It was really funny.

Except for the cleaning up part. The day after we still found cheese under one of the couches.

Later on that evening, (remember the screaming friend and the lady who sent the cheese flying) two of my dear sweet friends managed to kick me off the couch so I went to sit on the other one while cheese-lady and scream-lady started wrestling. Not even a minute later we hear a thump and giggling. We made the room dark for the movie so we didn't see a lot but from what I saw, they both fell of the couch during their wrestlematch.

I seriously wonder how it comes that not even one person in my friend group has either died or picked up by the cops yet. No, why aren't any of us in a mental hospital yet?

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