Chapter 1: The descision I made

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Ichigo's POV

"Hi my name is Erani Chase, it's nice to meets all of you" the new student said introducing herself "well then Erani-chan, you will be put in group A, ok let's start practice today you will be making pound cakes" Ameya-sensei said, after she said this everyone started mumbling amongst themselves, Ameya sensei clapped her hands to get everyone's attention "I know most of you think its easy but your scores will be based on the design and the uniqueness of the cake, you can even use your own ingredients, well then go to you work places and start" sensei said, the sweets princes and I went over to our work place, Erani-chan neared us and said "it's nice to meet you sweets princes" Hanabusa-kun and the others greeted her and introduce themselves, once the sweets princes finished their introduction I stepped forward and said "Kon'nichiwa Erani -chan, my name is Amano Ichigo but just call me Ichigo, it's nice to meet you" I heard her tch at me but she quickly said "it's nice to meet you Ichigo-san" after she said this she went away and started working on her cake. When we were all finished group A had the highest score

~~Time skip

It's been two weeks since Erani-chan transfered everyone has forgotten about me even my closest friends, the sweets princes and Rumi-chan, have forgotten about me, so right now I'm simply walking around the school. As I passed the garden I heard voices, ones I was quite familiar with, "Erani-chan is WAAY better then Ichigo-chan" I heard Hanabusa-kun's voice say "yeah I totally agree and she's less annoying than Amano" Kashino added, Andou-kun stayed silent "and besides we almost lost Kashino to Ojou because of her" Hanabusa-kun said as everyone including the sweets spirits nodded, this was the last straw, I got out from behind the bush in which I was hidding at and glared at them, tears escaping my eyes, not wanting them to see me so vulnerable I ran away, "Amano/Ichigo-chan/Amano-san" they all called out starting to chase after me, I ran as fast as my feet could take me, I dashed into the dorm and straight to my room, I laid on my bed and buried my face on my pillow. I cried my eyes out for hours, in these few hours I had made a descision, I got my phone and dialed my mom, when the line got through I said "hello mom? I now this is sudden but I have a request" "what is it Ichigo?"she asked, curiousity etched on her voice "I want to transfer to the main campus in Paris" I replied, getting staight to the point "what!? Why!?" she asked obviously shocked by my descision, I explained to her everything that happened this week "ok you can transfer as long as you get full marks in all you subjects, I'll handle your passport and ticket, give me the results as soon as it comes out, ok?" She said naming only one condition "ok mom" I said agreeing to her condition "just don't tell dad until I can transfer" I stated worried my father won't allow me my mom replied with a "Yes I wont tell him" then ended the call. I laid on the my bed staring up at my ceiling Rumi-chan was already sleeping on the other side "hey Vanilla I think we might need to cut off our night practices" I said "mhm" Vanilla replied starting to doze off, she closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep, I let out a sigh, I was going to be very busy.

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