Chapter Seven: Shine

Start from the beginning

‘What do I look like?’ I asked.

“You’re gray, like Kai. You have these really, really, interesting eyes—they’re like a bluish, greenish, grayish, white.” Ash said. “You’re in great shape, you’re the perfect Canis lycanthropicus. A beautiful wolf.” He said in admiration then he cleared his throat. “Would you like to um, shift back and put your shirt on?”

‘Don’t act so awkward around me, we’re mates remember?’ I said nudging him with my head. ‘And yes, I would like to change.’ I got up and walked around a thick bush and as if I’d done this a million times before I shifted back into my bipedal self. Some of my body came above the bushes so Ash could definitely see part of my boobs and up. “So, I could really get that shirt now.” I mumbled. Ash got up and turned then stopped in place. “Don’t do this, Ash, you can hold off.” He gave me the shirt and I slipped it over my head. I walked out and tugged at the end. “It’s kind of short.”

“Yeah, well it’s better than you being completely naked.” Ash muttered and sat back down on the cliff. I joined him and sat next to him.

“So how are we doing this claiming thing?” I asked nudging him, he laughed.

“You’re trying to plan this out?” Ash looked at me amused.

“Is that so wrong?” I asked my arms crossed.

“It ruins the whole…thing.” He muttered. “It’s not like I’m planning your birthday party, do you realize that you’ll no longer be a virgin after your birthday?”

“Well, we’ve already started planning. You put a timeframe on my virginity.” I muttered.

“I didn’t, K.D did. And he’s crossing sooo many lines by doing that. He’s lucky I didn’t just rip his head off his shoulders.” Ash muttered.

“Why didn’t you? He’s a dick.” I mumbled fidgeting with my shirt.

“If I killed K.D do you know what that would mean? All of his pack would come and retaliate. Not to mention, if I killed K.D I’d have to take everyone else out. I won’t kill Kai, but I’ll hurt him, same with Kyle.” Ash said.

“Why do you still care for Kyle when he’s an ass to you?” I asked. Ash shrugged.

“He’s the only family I have left.” Ash sighed. “Whether we’re blood relatives or not—I loved my mother and she’s didn’t deserve the life she had.”

“What happened to your mom after your dad left?” I asked curious.

“Everyone mistreated her, they called her a whore because she slept with some other man, every man in our pack thought she was easy. It pissed me off so much, and although she wasn’t my biological mother she still was my mom.” Ash said firmly. “I promised her that I’d put every man that ever did her wrong in place. And I did.”

“But your dad did the worst to her.” I said. “You said you haven’t seen him since he left.”

“Yeah, and I only heard that he died. We didn’t care.” He said.

“Oh.” I said. “What about your biological mother?” Ash gave a bitter laugh.

“That’s an interesting story, Myra.” He said.

“What happened?” I asked.

“When her kind was being wiped out she came here to see my dad and ask for his help, but instead she met my mother. Now my mom was angry at my dad for cheating on her, but when she met my biological mother everything went downhill. Werewolves and shifters don’t get along, never have and never will—which is why no one really knows I’m half shifter—but my mom let her explain what I was. I’m an abomination. My mom kicked her out after that, I was eight years old when I met my biological mother. Kyle was there when she came and he thought it was cool so he decided to go tell Kai. I agreed, being the stupid happy-go-lucky kid I was and we went to your house. Kai let us in, and I remember specifically that you were drawing pictures with finger paint when I first saw you. So gorgeous…” he trailed off. “My biological mother’s dead. All of the shifters are.”

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