2 - dip in my daydreams

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Alex put sunglasses on while he performed one of the songs from their new album, Suck it and See. I think he was wearing them as a way to hide from me. 

After the show ended, I helped pack everything away and shut down the set. People tricked out slowly, soon leaving just the band and I--finally, could meet all four members. I told them to gather around. Alex was at least eight inches taller than me when standing. I couldn't tell if he was looking down at me through the sunglasses or not. 

"Sorry we didn't get to talk before the show, but I promise you the publicity was worth it. All of Italy will have heard of your album by the time you finish touring here." I put out my hand. "I'm Mia Moretti. Excited to work with you."

I had already learned all of the band member's names, because I was good at my PR job, so I wasn't surprised by the band's introductions. And I wasn't surprised when Alex introduced himself, but I was surprised by how warm the palm of his hand was as he shook ours. He cleared his throat but kept his hand on mine. "I'm... Alex."

Slowly I let go of his hand. It was soft.

Then I swallowed, breaking eye contact. "Alright, we have a lot to do over the next two weeks. Today was the shortest one. We'll be switching hotels a lot, going to parties, doing interviews, playing at concerts--get ready for some fun, okay?"

"Er, Mia," Alex interrupted, "can I talk to you for a second?"

I nodded, looking to the band. "I'll let your manager know what we're doing tomorrow, but today, you're dismissed."

I looked away for a moment at the studio, and then back to the rest of the band. Nick and Jamie were talking on their way out but Matt was giving Alex two thumbs up and winking. Of course. 

When we were finally alone, and the studio lights were dim, Alex exhaled. "Listen, I'm sorry for the way we acted before the show started."

I laughed. "You're sorry for thinking it, or getting caught?"

A bit of pink nipped his cheeks. "I shouldn't have said anything out loud. It's not professional."

"Oh." My laugh died down. Now I was flushed. "Wait, you were actually thinking those things?"

I could see his brown eyes through the aviators as they flickered over me. "Um, yeah," Alex said, flustered. "I did say you were... beautiful. The stuff of daydreams, actually. But I shouldn't 'ave said it--I mean not out loud--especially since I barely know you, I don't want to make you think I'm coming on you." His eyes widened. "Er, I mean coming onto you--fook, that's not much better." He swallowed. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm not hitting on you! Sorry for a terrible first impression."

I sucked in a breath. "Yeah, you sure do make a strong first impression."

Alex rubbed the bridge of his nose under the sunglasses. "I'm a total idiot."

I grabbed his elbow and pulled his hand away from his face. My voice softened. "Hey, not a total idiot. You're an idiot with cool sunglasses."

Alex laughed as I took them off his face and put them on the top of my head. "You look better with them than me. Keep them."

I raised a brow. He was full of surprises. "Wait, really?"

"It's a gift, to say sorry for the first impression?"

"Then I accept." I pushed the sunglasses over my eyes, and saw Alex in even dimmer, orange lighting. "Also, you don't need to be nervous. I'm not mad at you."

There was a little hope in his voice. "You're not?"

"Not at all. I'm flattered," I smiled. Then the smile left. "I can only take it as flattery, because I don't ever have relationships with my clients."

Alex paused, a little hurt in his glance. "Oh," he said after a while.

"Now that we've cleared this up, let's head on out." 

I gave a weak smile and headed for the door, but Alex grabbed my hand. He made the goosebumps raise on my arms as his voice dipped a little lower than normal. "Is that a personal rule or a professional rule?"

"Both," I said, slowly. 

"So there's no hope of me ever changing your mind? I regret saying it, but now that it's out in the open, you are insanely beau--"

I put my finger over his lips. "Don't call me that, okay? I'm not interested."

He spoke once my finger slid away from his mouth, but he was staring at me intently. "At least let me get to know you. I don't think it's fair for me to judge you based on looks."

"You get to know your PR agent." I stepped back. "Nobody really knows Mia, okay?"

"I think I really want to," Alex said softly. 

"You don't." My voice became firm. "You're just my client. Have a goodnight, Alex."

He stared at me for a while, but it surely wasn't in the same way as earlier. I must've managed to get him to not like me, like I did with everybody else in my life. There was a little hurt in his glance. "Alright," he said, leaving to the door, "goodnight, Mia."

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