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          "Hey, Laur, it's pretty late. Are you sure you don't just want to spend the night?" Harry asks, handing me my jacket. He's been pestering me about not walking home for the past ten minutes.

          "Harry, for the last time, I'll be fine. Besides, my house is only about a 20-minute walk from here." I roll my eyes and walk towards the door, shrugging on my jacket.

          "I still don't like the idea of letting you walk home in the dark. Who knows what sort of people are lurking about," Harry shudders, reluctantly opening the door for me.

          "That's sweet Harry, but your concern is unnecessary. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise," I smile, stepping through the door.

          "Alright, whatever you say, Laur. See you Monday," Harry concedes, a slightly worried look on his face. I have to resist the urge to scoff.

          "See you Monday, Harry. Thanks for hanging out with me," I reply, walking towards the elevator. I hear the sound of a door shutting behind me before the elevator doors open and I step inside.

          Incase you couldn't tell, I stayed over at Harry's a bit later than I meant to. It's only Friday night so it's not like it's a big deal or anything, but for some reason Harry has it stuck in his head that I'm going to get murdered if I go outside at night. It's pretty ridiculous, but I do appreciate his concern. It's sweet.

          After fourteen floors the elevator finally dings and I step out into the lobby. I swiftly push through the front doors and begin my walk through the crisp night.

         It's not exactly cold, but it's certainly not warm either. There's a sharp chill in the air that makes me shiver, even with my jacket on. In all honesty, the night has an eerie sort of feeling to it that makes walking alone through the streets just that more nerve-racking.

          I only manage to make it a couple of blocks before the sound of shouting fills my ears, and my peaceful, quiet walk is ruined. Before I can even see them, two men grab my arms and pull me into a dark alley.

          I lose my balance and fall, landing hard on my right arm. I quickly scramble back up to my feet though, now facing my supposed attackers.

          There are two men standing there, staring at me. They're both dressed in black with their hoods pulled over their heads, and one is reaching for something in his back pocket.

          Before the thought that I kind of have superpowers can occur to me, one of the men is pointing a gun directly at me.

         "Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, little girl. It's your choice, really," The man threatens, staring straight at me.

        I feel my heart skip a beat as my fingers frantically grasp onto my ring. Before I can twist it though, I hear a cry of, "Hiyah!" A soft glow illuminates the alley, and my eyes find the source of it in time to see a man dressed in green slam his fist into the man pointing a gun at me.

       The man crumples to the ground, and Green quickly does the same thing to the other man. I watch in awe as the alley darkens again, and I hear footsteps fading away.

          I stand there for a minute, trying to comprehend what just happened. A man in green just saved my life and I didn't even get a chance to say thank you.

          Glancing down at the unconscious men in front of me, I decide to leave before either of them wakes up. However, not before smashing the gun that had fallen to the ground during Green's interference.

         I resume my walk home as if nothing happened. In fact, as far as anyone else is concerned, nothing did happen. It's not like I would have anyone to tell anyway.

         If I mentioned this to Harry I would get nothing but "I told you so's" and a whole lot of mothering. Besides, it's not like I'm going to go out of my way to tell MJ or Peter. They would freak out too.

          The last thing I need is for them to think that I can't take care of myself because I can. I know for a fact that I can take care of myself. Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to help others too like Green helped me tonight.

          I near my house and immediately notice my dad's car in the driveway. It's unusual since he's usually out drinking on Friday nights. Well, he's usually out drinking every night, but he rarely comes home on Fridays.

          I quietly glide up the steps and unlock the front door, being extra cautious in case he's passed out in the living room. Or even worse, awake.

          To my relief he's sprawled out on the couch, surrounded by beer bottles. He must've decided to stay here tonight instead of going out...

           I creep past him as quietly as I can and let out a breath of relief once I'm safely in my bedroom with the door locked behind me. To say my dad is a bit scary when he's drunk is a major understatement. He's scary when he's awake, but he's absolutely terrifying when he's drunk.

          The worst thing you could possibly do is rile up my father while he's drunk. Unfortunately for me, the fact that I'm alive while my brother isn't tends to be enough to make him steaming mad. Every time he sees me he makes sure to remind me of it.

            I quickly slip into a tank top and some sweatpants and crawl into bed. I set an alarm for tomorrow so I get up in time to meet MJ for breakfast and turn out the light, thoughts of the man in green filling my mind. 

Hawkgirl (Danny Rand)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant