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          The bell rings the second I step into the classroom, and my chemistry teacher sends me a dirty look. I smile apologetically at her and rush to my seat, feeling a bit embarrassed. I hate being late to classes.

          The teacher begins to explain our next major project to work on, and I zone out. I do happen to catch a couple of words like "partner" and "worth 50% of your grade", but that's about it.

          "Now don't look too happy everyone, I've already assigned you partners. You'll be working with the student at your table, so no need to move around. Remember, this is due in two weeks and we'll be doing nothing in class but working on it. You may begin," She stated, sitting down at her desk.

          I turn to my right, and with a start realize that Danny had been sitting next to me the whole time. He laughs at my shocked expression.

          "Sorry to startle you, I thought you knew I was here." He smiles at me. He has a really pretty smile...

          "No, I'm sorry. I'm horribly unobservant. Actually, that reminds me... What exactly are we doing?" I blush slightly. So much for first impressions. He must think I'm a total ditz now...

         After a few minutes of re-explaining the project to me, and about 10 minutes of planning and dividing work, I'm completely and utterly bored.

          "Hey, do you want to just talk for the last few minutes of class? Get to know each other a bit better?" I suggest. Not only do I not want to keep working, I also really want to get to know him better. So far he seems really nice...

          "Sure. What do you want to talk about?" He shuffles a couple papers around on the table. I shrug.

          "I don't know. What do you do for fun?" I ask, nervously fidgeting with my ring.

          "I like meditation. It's calming and helps keep my chi in balance." He turns to face me.

          "No way! I love meditating! I also like doing yoga at night before I go to bed," I grin. I've never met anyone before who also likes to meditate. He grins back at me.

           "I'm also a vegetarian. I find the thought that people would purposely harm other living things without a sufficient reason to be cruel." He looks at me hopefully, waiting for my response. My eyes widen.

          "No way! Me too!" I exclaim. It's true too, only I'm vegetarian for a slightly different reason. You see, ever since I grew wings and basically became part bird, it's been hard for me to look at animals the same way. In all honesty, I think if I ever ate chicken it'd probably be a form of cannibalism.

          "What's your favorite color?" I lean forward in my seat a bit, curious to see what else we have in common.

"Green, how about you," His gaze meets mine for a brief second before he stares down a the ring on my finger. I realize for the first time that his eyes are green like mine.

          "Grey. For some reason I find it calming," I reply. As soon as I finish my sentence the bell rings, and we all file out of the classroom. Danny gives me a kind smile, picks up his books, and walks out of the room before I can even say goodbye. 

Hawkgirl (Danny Rand)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora