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          "Locker knocker time again?" My best friend in the entire world, Harry Osborne, asks my other best friend, Peter Parker, as he joins us at lunch.

           "If that's the worst thing that happens to me today, I'll take it," He replies, suspiciously poking at today's mashed potatoes. I don't blame him. I think I saw mine moving earlier.

           "Hey, did you guys hear about what happened this morning? Apparently, The Avengers stopped a supervillain downtown." That's MJ, our other best friend. Her extreme knowledge of current events comes from her infatuation with reporting, or more specifically the DBC.

           "How do you find out about this stuff, anyway-" An explosion behind us cuts my question short and sends us sprawling on the ground. Peter is the first to stand up, quickly assessing the threat.

            I stumble up after him, glaring forward at the group that disturbed our lunch. There are three people, probably villains, who are surveying the lunch room. One dressed in a metallic purple suit catches my eye, and I feel my fingers nervously brush the owl on my arm. It's a nervous twitch I've developed over the past couple years.

          "Attention students. Your principle has something to tell you," The purple man says in a rather creepy robotic voice. It's only then that I notice our principle being levitated in mid-air by him.

          "Students, attention please, the school is now under control of the.. the.. the Frightful Four," He stutters, clearly scared. I feel bad for him, but there are too many people around for me to do anything. Heck, even if there weren't people around I doubt I could do anything anyways. These guys look pretty scary...

          "There's only three of you," MJ very unhelpfully points out, and I have to resist the urge to smack her. The last thing we want to do while being threatened by clearly powerful and bad people is draw attention to ourselves!

          "Quiet!" The man yells, throwing our principle into the wall behind us. My eyes widen, and I feel Harry grip my hand.

          Suddenly the three villains start moving. Purple throws some metal disks around, causing the lunch tables to levitate. Thundra, who I've seen on the news before, starts punching things. Harry narrowly pulls me out of the way of what appear's to be Red's sonic sound beams.

           "Before the Trapster was captured, he learned that Spiderman attends this school. Unless he gives himself up, we'll tear this place down, brick by brick." Purple states and I feel myself shiver. Why would Doctor Strange ever think I would be cut out to be a hero?

         "Yeah!" A kid from my math class screams, clearly not taking Purple seriously.

          "I'm serious. Claw," He motions towards Red, who I guess calls himself Claw. It's a shame too since I can think of at least a dozen better names.

          Suddenly he blasts down another part of the ceiling, causing us to scramble backward to avoid the falling debris.

          "So, who is our mysterious wall-crawler? A teacher? A student? A cafeteria lady? They seem reluctant to talk. Claw, make them listen to reason," Purple cruelly states as Claw raises his, well, claw, and this horrible noise fills the room. I double over in pain, clutching my ears. It doesn't do anything to block the sound though, and it feels like my brain is melting.

          "Stop it!" Peter screams over the noise. At once the sound stops and my eyes fly open.

          "Peter, no!" The words are out of MJ's mouth before they can leave mine. He's going to get himself killed!

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