Chapter 10: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

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Yay!!! Another chapter! Whoop, whoop!

Okay remind me never to say "Whoop, whoop" again.

Well anyway, I might not to be able to write/post chapter 11 until next week or so because this weekend is going to be crazy. Why? Because it's my birthday Saturday. :3 Yup. So. Happy almost birthday to me!

Enjoy chapter 10, guys. :)


Chapter 10:

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

"You've got to be kidding me." I whined after the Doctor laid his plan out before me when we returned to the TARDIS. Needless to say, it was the worst plan I've ever heard. He expected me to act like a totally stoned hippie from Woodstock and wander out into the woods to lure the Angels away. May I just say that walking into the woods alone in the pitch-black darkness of night wasn't exactly my strong suit.

"Remember that thing I said about trusting?" the Doctor mentioned. I hauled myself up onto one of the main platform's railings and sat down on the top rung.

"But I don't even know now many Angels are going to be after me! I can take on a few, but a dozen of them? I don't think so." I went on.

"You're going to have to just trust me." he repeated himself, flipping a few switches on the machine's console.

"You don't even know how many Angels there are going to be out there, do you?" I accused, pointing a finger at him. Silence rang out through the parked time machine. I groaned. "Good lord, I'm doomed."

The Doctor finally neglected his precious TARDIS and turned to look at me. His voice was unnaturally cold and harsh as he spoke. "For God's sake Echo, you have to trust me! I don't know how many Angels are out there, and I sure as hell don't know what they would do to you if they caught you. But you have to trust me on this. Really, really, ever so truly trust me."

I was left speechless for a moment. I'd never seen this much...passion within him. Passion to stop the Weeping Angels and to keep me safe. It felt nice to finally have someone watching over me, human or non-human. "I trust you, Doctor," I spoke softly. "I'm just afraid. I'm always afraid. From what I've seen, the Angels always have something up their sleeve. I just don't want to hurt anyone if I mess up or if they catch me."

"They won't catch you. I won't let that happen." he told me sternly. I couldn't help but notice that he didn't mention anything about me not messing up. But still, his words comforted me.

"Thanks." I gave him a half-hearted smile. I still felt unsure about all of this. The state of not knowing what would happen unsettled me. I was so used to relying on the thoughts of other people to make my decisions and determine what the consequences would be. But now, with only the unreadable Doctor by my side, I felt useless.

"We don't have much time. They'll be out and about, messing with the universe any moment now," he said, the palms of his hands pressed against the cool metal of the TARDIS's control panel. "You remember what to do?"

I nodded, jumping down off the railing. "Bait the Angels. Find the TARDIS in the woods. Press the big red button on the console," I patted the console as I spoke about it, being mindful not to press any buttons as I did so. I stopped for a moment and had a very troubling thought. "Why is it a big red button? Big red buttons always mean trouble."

"That whole big red button thing is a hoax. Red buttons are very helpful in some cases." He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

"Nice to know, considering I'm going to be pressing one soon." I meant to say, but the very end of my sentence was silenced by an earth-shattering crash of thunder. The Doctor and I locked eyes as soon as it sounded. I hoped the frightened look on my face presented the obvious question of "what the hell was that?", because I couldn't bring myself to speak.

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