Chapter 9

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"Curtis!" I repeat my boyfriend's name once more. I feel like I'm dreaming. I couldn't believe I finally found him. He's in front of me. I walk closer to him, engulfing him into a warm hug. I settle my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. I feel his hand touch my back softly. I pull away after a few minutes.

I look at him astonishingly examining the look he was giving me.

"I can't believe you're finally here. I've been searching for you." I clasp my hand with his giving him a look of excitement. He remains with the same expression.

I feel an airy space between the both of us. Curtis still hasn't spoken since we met. He continues to fix his gaze upon me as if he's trying to recall something.

"A-aren't you happy we met baby?" I ask him as tears start to form in my eyes. He shakes his head as if he doesn't understand what I'm telling him.

"I-I umm." He stops, searching for words he could answer back. He looks me right into my eyes with a displeasing look.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?" He asks me, creasing his eyebrows. I was taken a back. I look at him with disbelief. Was he actually messing around with me?

"Curtis, don't mess with me, please. I'm Katy, your girlfriend." I chuckle sarcastically.

"K-katy? I'm sorry but I don't know you." His words hit me hard as if I was shot on my heart by a bullet. This couldn't be happening.

"W-what do you mean you don't know me?" I answer back, my words sounding a bit harsh.

"I've never met a woman named Katy before." His reply fails my expectations.

I spot Curtis' sister Payton walking towards our direction. Her blonde hair settling down on her shoulders. She fixes her gaze towards both Curtis and I.

"Curtis, go back inside the store. Aunt Ofelia's waiting for you." She instructs her brother. Curtis heads back, giving me one last look. The look that only strangers would give me.

"Payton, I-I don't understand. He says he doesn't know me." I place my palms on my head. I couldn't believe what was happening. He doesn't know me. Curtis doesn't know me.

"Katy... he's had a memory loss. He only remembers before you guys met each other. It's because of the bullet that caused a small damage on his brain during the war." She pauses, holding my hand tight with hers as we walk together in the seashore.

"I've been trying to reach out and tell you about this before it gets to you. I'm so sorry. Everybody's been trying to help him gain his memory back. I even tried to help him but it wouldn't work. The impact the bullet gave to his brain was too strong for him to be able to remember events that are happening in the present." She looks at me with so much sympathy. I was now in tears, trying to catch my breath every few seconds. There was no way he was ever going to remember me. There was no way I was going to get back what I had with Curtis before.

"Katy, I am so sorry about what happened. I knew you were the one who was going to be the most affected about this. Curtis was brought back to us here in Oceanside. I was currently staying in Aunt Ofelia's when we received a phone call from the airbase that Curtis was brought home. He arrived a few days ago." She explains. I was currently losing hope little by little.

"It's okay, Payton. We can't do anything about it. It already happened. He isn't going to remember me. He probably won't. It is what it is." My way of thinking was pessimistic. I felt like there was no point in continuing. What am I supposed to do when the important person in my life is slowly fading away?

"Katy, he can. He can remember you. You could at least try and let him remember you. Or if he doesn't, you can start over. You can start a new relationship with him." Payton suggests. I wasn't sure whether I should consider it or not. Starting new would mean all my memories with Curtis before will be forgotten. Only I will remember it but he won't.

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