Chapter 2

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"Dear Katy,

I've been doing great lately. Don't worry about me, baby. Please calm yourself and don't stress out too much. Yes, it was true that our arrival here was delayed. But nothing to be disturbed about. Katy, I always will believe that you will one day reach your dreams of becoming a singer. I know you've got the capabilities of becoming even more talented, perservering, and willing to challenge yourself. I will always believe in you so don't keep doubting yourself that you won't and can't.

I miss you like you do. Keep yourself busy and don't think too much about me. I'll be back in three days and we could spend the rest of it to ourselves. I'm really happy the record label accepted you. I know you will even more please them with your music.

I can't manage to make this letter longer, I have to go soon. I'll see you, Kate. I love you. Take care of yourself.


I look at Curtis' letter before making my way out of the post office. I was pleased that he wrote as soon as possible. I couldn't wait any longer for him to come back. I was taken aback by his plans for our days together and what we could possibly do.

I walked down the sidewalk happily and feeling uplifted by his encouraging words. I even had more inspiration to write songs. I planned my day out and tried as much as possible to be productive and keep myself busy.

{After 3 Days}

"Katy? Are you done?" The voice of Angela rang through my ears making myself slip off from the deep thought I was in.

I stepped out of the bathroom seeing Angela stood beside my bed wearing a skirt which ended on her knees and a peach colored blouse. I remembered that I was going to take her to her job today. I offered her a ride with me and after I drop her off I was going to pick up Curtis from the port.

"I'm so sorry. Am I running you late?" I stuttered through words hurriedly finishing up myself. I put on light make-up and brushed my hair, straightening it.

"No it's okay. I just need to be extra early today because it's the first day of work." She spoke, trying to calm me down.

"I'll meet you downstairs." I shout over. I glanced at myself in the mirror, seeing that I looked sheer and dainty. I can't believe I was going to see Curtis today. I was ecstatic to spend the rest of the day with him.

I couldn't bide one's time so I grabbed my pink sling bag and hurriedly went downstairs. As soon as possible, Angela and I headed off to the city. The silence inside the vehicle didn't remain as soon as Angela started speaking.

"You're thrilled to see him. Aren't you?" She spoke with so much delight causing me to reply with the same tone.

"Yeah, Ang. Very. I mean we both have so many plans for each other in the next days." I smile widely at her, still keeping my eye on the road.

"I'm sure you guys are going to enjoy the day. Have you heard from him yet?"

" I haven't heard from him recently ever since he last wrote me a letter." I distraughtingly say to Angela.

"Oh, Katy don't worry. I'm sure he's fine and besides you're going to see him today." She enfolds her hand with mine, squeezing it. I smile back at her.

I pull off and say my goodbyes to Angela. I head off to the port keeping the speed of the car at it's normal pace. I take a glance at my watch to keep track whether I would make it on time or not. 11:37am. Curtis would be arriving at 1pm.

I know that I was going to arrive in the port pretty early so I didn't feel uneasy. The ride didn't feel like ages because after a couple of minutes, I finally arrived the port. Fortunately, there were a lot of parking slots so it wasn't a hassle for me to find. I parked my father's car carefully, making sure the vehicle was perfectly put on it's slot.

I step out of the car and placed my sling bag on my shoulder letting it sway on my sides as I walk towards the waiting area. Even if it was still early, there were already a swarm of people waiting inside the room. I found my seat and headed for it. I see an old lady looking at a picture of probably his son who works in the army. I gaze at her, smiling warmly. I sat on my seat fiddling with my fingers. To be honest, I was feeling wearied. There was really nothing do, all I could do was wait.

Time felt so slow, I wish it could speed up so I can go see Curtis and spend the rest of the day with him. I decided to write songs to keep myself busy. I finished two songs and I made up my mind to what the tune would be.
After a long time of waiting it was finally, 12:50pm. Just a few ten minutes and I will get to see the love of my life.

I was so engrossed in writing that I realized that it was only Me and the old lady left inside the room. I glance at her seeing that she was preparing to leave and go pick up her son. I place my notebook inside my bag and stood up. I walk out of the waiting area seeing a lot of families with bright smiles on their faces, hugging their loved ones who were from the army.

I walk further through the port searching for Curtis. I look at my watch seeing it was 1:05pm. I guess Curtis was just late on picking up his things. I wait a couple of minutes more, just admiring the family beside me. I honestly felt jealous because I was anxious to be with Curtis. I wanted to hug him and feel the warmth of his body on mine. I miss his voice that always comforted me and inspired me to always believe. His eyes that were full of light and speaks even with no words spoken.

His hands that when entwined with mine felt like everything is going to be okay. I look over and see that it was already 1:45pm. I felt uneasy and troubled. My stomach churned with hysteria and anxiety.

Curtis couldn't possibly be taking this long could he? He told me he was going back today and I'm pretty sure I didn't look at the calendar incorrectly.

I searched around the port for him, constantly asking different people from the army if they have seen any sign of him. They all had the same answer. No.

I couldn't just give up on him. I continued to wait for him even if it was already late in the afternoon. But still there was no sign of him.

He couldn't give up on me could he? He didn't lie to me. Curtis hasn't lied to me.

But where is my Curtis, my soldier?

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