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(Dev POV)

I almost put myself in a coma pulling up to the hospital. My brakes slammed so hard, my head hit the steering wheel. (Wear a seatbelt kids)


My fingers rubbed the middle of my forehead. That shit hurt hella bad.

I eventually got out the car after I got myself together, heading straight into the main entrance of West Orleans Hospital.

They had the directory map right when you walked in so it was easy to find the ICU floor. Thank God I don't have to deal with no rude ass nurses cause I wasn't in the mood.

It seemed like the elevator was taking forever to reach the first floor that I busted out into a full sprint towards the door that had the stairs sign above it.

Bruh was I glad that I decided to skip leg day yesterday, cause five flights of stairs ain't no joke.

I threw myself on to the nurses desk.

"I'm looking for Angel Cruise. (Deep breath) Please."

"Hold on." She continues to type on her computer while looking at a paper next to her keyboard.

"Say you goin tell me or I gotta go in every room in here?"

I was standing up now, with my left hand over my right just looking at her stupid.

"I'm sorry, just trying to finish a report."

"I'm sorry, my girlfriend might be dying and I don't give a fuck." First mimicking her then getting serious at the end.

"I will call security." She pops her gum and turns around to look at the board.

"Angel Cruise, room 1278. Go to the left hallway and just follow it till you get to ha room."

I jetted off before even saying thank you. I don't think she deserved one anyways. As I got closer to her room my breathing was deeper and my steps were heavier.

The curtains were drawn to shut the view of her room from the outside and her door was completely shut.

(Knock knock)

I slowly opened the door and the sounds of machines beeping and her heartbeat echoing became the only thing I could hear.


(Beep beep beep)

I walk past her curtain and instantly turn back around so if she did open her eyes she wouldn't see the fear and hurt in me. My right hand covered my mouth as my left grabbed the back of my dreads.

"Fuck Angel."

The hurt overwhelmed me and tears came falling down my face. I did my best to gather myself but fuck this shit was hard.

Her body just laying there. So........lifeless.

I finally gained the courage to walk up to her and immediately I caressed her right hand with mine.

"Angel I'm so sorry baby. Why didn't you stop and talk to me? I never hated you, I was just mad at you. You had to know I love you."

Soon as "you" left off my lips, she flatlined.


I ran to the door calling for the nurses.

"Code Blue room 1278. Code Blue room 1278."

"I'm sorry miss but you're going to have to leave the room."

A nurse gently caressed my arm and lead me out the room to the waiting area. Her hand was soft and her voice was too. I was too deep drowning in my tears to even reply.

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