" You going somewhere Cap?" I asked casually as Steve stepped back from the surprise of seeing me suddenly. He narrowed his eyes " Have you been listening the whole time?" He asked and I shrugged blankly.

" I asked you a question first" I replied with a small smirk. Steve sighed as his eyes trailed away. He looked torn between two decisions at the moment. " I just want to know more about what Fury had been doing with the tesseract" He explained " Do you know anything?" He added.

I hesitated as I recalled Natasha pretty much telling me to let it go. I was supposed to keep an eye on Steve and the others. But after what I heard from Tony and Bruce I couldn't just stand by and remain ignorant. I knew to much and needed to know the rest. " Natasha mentioned something about the experiments they are doing with the tesseract. She said it's something called Phase 2" I explained and Steve nodded in understanding. A dutiful look emerged within his cerulean blue eyes.

" We need to find out more. Where would Fury be keeping his phase 2 experiments?" Steve asked and a light bulb went of in my head. Every helicarrier had a storage hull and a restricted storage hull. And I knew exactly where the second one was. " I think I know where that might be, follow me" I insisted and Steve quickly complied as I led the way there.

We passed several different agents who regarded us with cool interest. I mean it wasn't that strange to see Captain America and a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent walking down the hall together. We walked at a fast pace towards the hull witch was reasonably close. " Here we are" I announced as we arrived at the 10-3 restricted storage area. I went to the keypad near the door as I could still remember what the original passcode was. Yet when I typed in the code the keypad flashes red instead of green. I furrowed my brows as I tried again and once again was met with more red lights. " They've changed the code" I said looking back to Steve who looked at the large door that opened from the middle.

He thought about it for a just a second " I think I got it" He replied as he approached the door and grabbed the doors openings. With his superhuman strength he pried open the door with only a small grunt of effort. It took all my personal restraint to not stare at the bulging of his shoulder and back muscles as he opened the air sealed door."Thanks" I scoffed softly at his show of strength and quickly slipped inside. On the inside there were two different levels that were stacked high with silver crates. It was a huge storage warehouse and almost a little overwhelming. " Jeez.... Where do we even start?" Steve asked as he eyed the lower level of crates that were all stacked neatly and were covered in a light coating of dust.

My eyes ran across the inumberle different crates that ranged in different sizes. Each of the had a large 6 digit number plastered in the top left hand corner and many also had a word or name beside it. I spotted a few with the words Hydra on them before I saw the words Phase 2 on a separate set of crates. " Up there" I announced pointing up at the crates that were on the second level.

Steve noticed the crates and took a quick step before he gripped the railway to the second level and hoisted himself over it. I was about to do the same until he said something else " Here" He said as he extended his hand out for me to grab. I looked at his hand and the back at him knowing I could have easily gotten up there myself. But for whatever reason, I didn't want to be rude and took his hand. His hand was still warm just as it had been when I had first met him. The sudden contact caused my heart to flutter girlishly. That feeling happened so often whenever I was around him yet I wasn't sure what to make of it. I just knew it wasn't bad.

I hoisted myself over the rail and half grinned " Thanks again" I said before striding over to the labeled crates. They were all sealed shut with thick padlocks but this posed a very small obstacle. I went to the first crate that was rectangularly shaped and promptly cut the lock into two with a fast swipe from my talons. Steve lifted the opening of the crate and immediately looked stunned from what we found inside. There were several different weapons that looked old and even a peculiarly designed facial plate. On the sides of all these things there was a strange symbol of a skull with multiple 6 tentacles protruding from the center of it. " Hydra....... Fury is analysing Hydra weapons since they were originally powered by the tesseract" Steve stated and we shared a quick look of troubled concern.

I picked up a black and white picture of a stout looking man with a short stature and circular glasses. He had small black beady eyes that reminded me of Dr.Reinhart's. I can still remember clearly seeing the sadistically inteelgent look in her eyes everyday when I was with her. This man in the picture had the same expression." Who's this?" I asked Steve who was looking closely at one of the many weapons that could have been as old as he was. " That's Dr.Zola, he was a major scientists for Hydra. He was a genius but.... he was insane" Steve replied. I quirked a brow but not in surprise. I could always recognize the sociopathic and emotionless glimmer in a mad scientist's eyes.

" S.H I.E L.D. must have been studying these weapons to learn more about the tesseract" I noted as I put the picture back in the crate in its respective place. Steve nodded " Hydra created these weapons while they had the tesseract they were supposed to advance them through the war. You know they would give them.... the winning edge" Steve began as our eyes both met in silent revelation over the same thing. The final piece of the puzzle had finally been found.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had never been using the Tesseract for some sort of clean energy initiative. That was all a hoax. They seemed to be doing exactly what Hydra had originally been doing in the 1940s. They were creating new, advanced weapons that were unlike anything the world had ever truly seen before.

I paced to a second crate that was right beside the Hydra crate and swiftly cut the lock off. I flipped open the top to reveal a massive dark grey gun that looked to be a pump action activated. The thing looked like it could have been straight out of a Star Wars film or some sci-fi flick. " I knew it..... Phase 2 is cover name for Fury's new weapon making hobby" I told Steve who looked deeply troubled. I was too since this was some seriously major details Fury had been just glossing over.

" Is S.H.I.E.L.D turning into... Hydra?" Steve asked as he seemed very overwhelmed from all this new information. I didn't blame him, it probably felt like he was living through his days against Hydra all over again. I thought about it quickly and briefly evaluated all of Fury's recent decisions. It wouldn't make sense that Fury was trying to take over the world with these weapons as Hydra had been. Not when he had called upon us all to try and protect the world. I shook my head " No, I think he is making these weapons to protect Earth. He knows that there are bigger and badder things out there" I replied and Steve seemed to consider this hopefully. I just hoped it was true.

" Either way, Fury has to explain this" I stated firmly as I went to pick up the large weapon. I didn't care if I had gone against Natashas wishes or if I had plop this thing on Fury's lap to real get answers. But I was going to do it. I tried to lift the weapon but it proved to be far heavier than it looked. Unfortunately, Dr.Reinhart hadn't really enhanced my strength all that much during her experimentations. Steve gave a small smirk " I got it" Steve claimed as he easily reached into the metal crate and lifted the dark grey weapon as it might have been designed after an minigun. He held it as if weighed a little more than a feather.

I rolled my eyes " Show off" I said but I meant it lightly as a genuine grin came onto my face. Steve just shrugged with an amused expression as if he had no idea what I was talking about. It was kind of funny.

" Let's take this to Fury" 

Flightless Bird ( Steve Rogers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now