Part 7

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The four of us escorted Loki back to the helicarrier and took him to a large cell made from plexiglass. It was a large cell that hadn't originally been made to confine Loki. In fact it was supposed to be for the Hulk.

I had gone back to normal and less agent like thankfully. However, we had figured out some disturbing news. Loki's appearance in Germany had only been a distraction for what Clint had been doing at the time. Loki had forced Clint to steal a mineral known as Iridium. One of the men that had been attending the Gala just so happened to have some stored away a couple miles away and those stores of Iridium had disappeared. They found several of Clint's arrows in many of the guards who had been protecting the safe. It was all disturbing news which led me to think all of this was some sort of big trick. Loki knew something we didn't.

I was walking to a debriefing room where we were having a meeting of sorts with the rest of the 'recruits'. I was walking with Steve who had removed the face mask of his suit to reveal his strong featured face. I still had my suit on yet had retracted my wings away so that they were all furled up once again. Steve and I both shared misgivings after the easy capturing of Loki. It was obvious something was up but what exactly was it?

We both walked into the room at the same time to see that multiple people were already there. Bruce was there as he stood behind a holographic screen but wasn't using it for anything. The buff blonde was there and I had come to know that he was the almighty god of thunder Thor. At least he was on our side. Natasha was there as well as she sat at a nearby debriefing table. I could tell she was very worried for Clint at the moment, as was I. Stark was no where to be seen. I went to stand near Natasha as the room was mostly silent.

However, all eyes were on the main monitor that broadcasted Fury speaking to Loki from outside his hydraulically riged cage. Bruce rubbed his jaw as he observed Loki through the screen. "It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me" Loki stated as he looked around the impenetrable cell with mild admiration. Fury shook his head " No, it was built for something a lot stronger than you" Fury replied as he stood stiffly in front the cell with his shoulders back.

Loki grinned maliciously " The mindless beast, who pretends he's still but a man. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki asked as my eyes flickered to Bruce who watched the monitor's screen intently. His face was a mask and made it hard to read his emotions. " How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill 'cause it's fun.You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did" Fury told him with his voice reaching dangerous levels.

Loki paced across his cell " Ooh. It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is" Loki said and this statement revealed his motive. Power, that's the only thing he wanted. He wanted dominance over others. Fury actually smiled but there was no kindness behind it. " Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something" Fury stated before he turned and left the room.

Loki looked up at the camera we were watching him from with a sinister look in his eyes. He grinned widely like that creepy blue cat from Alice in Wonderland. My mother used to read me that book when I was younger. The monitor finally went black and this left the room in a distilled silence that permeated in the air like cheap perfume. Steve crossed his arms as his eyes focused on the ground. Thor looked a little torn apart after watching the mini interrogation. Bruce was still looking at the now blank monitor with a mixed expression.

" He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Bruce asked breaking the silence and Steve look up seriously. "Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play?" Steve asked as he turned the attention to Thor.

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