Part 6

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We took Loki prisoner onboard the quinjet as quickly as possible and soon after we took off. Loki's surprising compliance to coming prisoner was unsettling. If he was supposed to be a god then why did he just give up so easily?

I had my arms crossed over my chest as I eyed the raven haired god curiously. I was leaning gently against the wall of the quinjet with my back to the cockpit where Natasha was. Steve stood in front of me as well as the infamous Tony Stark. I had seen Tony start on the front cover numerous magazines and tabloids. It was always Tony Stark this or Tony Stark that. He looked no different in person with wide eyes and a spiffly cut goatee. His attitude was exactly as Natasha had initially described.

" I don't like it" Steve stated out loud and Tony's robotic suit turned with interest. Tony's face was the only thing visible from within the suit. Tony glanced at Loki dismally as if he just barely caught his attention. " What? Rock of ages giving up so easily?" Tony asked with his already annoying voice.

Steve shook his head as he crossed his buff arms over his broad chest. " I don't remember it ever being that easy. This guy packs a wallop" Steve claimed and I nodded in agreement. It was never supposed to be this easy. This whole ordeal smelt funny. From the moment Loki randomly showed his face is Germany to his complacent attitude now. This guy was the god of mischief and trickery, he must of had a card up sleeve I just knew it. " I agree there is something up" I said as I brushed a loose strand of brown hair behind my ear.

Tony looked less convinced " He is just one guy Cap. Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony asked. Steve gave him an incredulous look. " What?" Steve asked as it was obvious he had no good idea what on earth pilates were.

" It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know doing time as a Capsicle" Stark replied casually and I could practically see the major difference between their two personalities already. I rolled my eyes at Stark's response in a dramatic fashion. " Fury didn't tell me you'd be coming" Steve said and Tony gave him a small falsely empathetic smirk.

" Yea there's a lot Fury doesn't tell us" Tony replied with a knowing glimmer in his eyes. I was about to ask what exactly he meant by that since he might have known something that I didn't. When suddenly a loud clap of thunder boomed nearby and a bright flash of lightning lit up the cabin. The quinjet shuddered from turbulence causing me to have to use the wall for support to stop myself from falling. Steve stumbled forward and nearly fell as well. " Where is that coming from?" Natasha asked as another ripple of thunder sounded from up above. I quickly returned my gaze to where Loki was and he was looking out the window intently. His expression was that of someone who was mortified.

" What's wrong Loki, you scared of a little thunder?" I asked as more lightning sounded in the distance. Loki looked back at me with his partially open " I'm not overly fond of what follows" He replied and I shared a puzzled look with Steve. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

The answer became quickly apparent as a blinding light seemed to appear outside the ship. This blinding light ripped off the back entry way of the quinjet. For just a brief few seconds I saw what the bright light was underneath the gleaming brilliance. It was a broad shouldered man with shoulder length blonde hair. In his hand there was a hammer and within seconds he took a hold of Loki and then disappeared. "Now there's that guy" Tony noted while putting his face plate back over his face. My mind raced as I thought who on earth that thunder guy was. I didn't know whole lot about Norse gods but it only made sense that this guy was an Asgardian. The sudden storm and large hammer made me think he was probably the Asgardian god of thunder. His name was like Thur or something but was he a good guy?

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