Chapter 2 - Endangered

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Austin's POV...

I am standing by the window looking at the big city. I looked at the time and it's already past 2 am. I poured some wine and slowly drank it. Suddenly, I felt two warm hands wrapped around my waist. I turned around and looked at the owner of these hands. She's really pretty, yes. She has bright blue eyes and a blonde hair, like a living barbie doll. I met her at the club last night and I don't even remember her name. She smiled sweetly and hugged me more tightly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "Why are you not sleeping?"

"Well, I am just thinking of some things." I answered and kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep."

"Austin..I..I think I've fallen in love with you.." she whispered, "Can we maybe take our relationship to the next stage?"

My brows automatically went up. "Love?"

"Yes. The moment I saw you, I felt it." She answered.

I just chuckled. "Don't talk about love carelessly."

"But Austin..It's true." She insisted.

My mood suddenly changed. What kind of girl is she? Aah, maybe one of those girls who want to bait me into marrying them. One of those who wants my money. I can't believe this. I immediately removed her hands from me and drank my wine.

"Leave." I said calmly.

"But why? Did I say something wrong?" she asked.

"YES. What did you just say? You've fallen in love with me? Haha!" I said mockingly. "I want you to leave now. We just slept together and had a one night thing. That's all. And that doesn't mean that we can go to the next level. We don't have a relationship. Remember that. So, leave."

"Oh, you are really what they said you are, ruthless and uncaring." she said and she started to put on her clothes. "I thought we had a connection."

"Whatever." I commented.

"Yeah, right." she said on the verge of crying. "Bye!"

She collected all of her things and run out of the hotel room slamming the door behind her. Well, what can I say? I am very used to this kind of situation. I just shook my head and poured more wine to my glass. I drank more and more and more until I doze off to sleep.

"I will never love a guy like you. Please don't bother me anymore."

I read the words, again and again as I wipe my tears away.

Then, I woke up with real tears in my eyes. After all these years, I am still having that dream. That particular dream that I consider as my worst nightmare. I wiped my tears and went to shower. Maybe, just maybe, the shower can do something about the pain that I suddenly felt. Maybe it can be washed away. Maybe. Just maybe.


A.E's POV...

"Marissa, were you able to order the my favorite Chanel scent?" I asked. "I need them now."

"Oh, sorry Miss. I wasn't informed about your favorite scent." Marissa answered nervously. "That's why, I wasn't able to order anything..yet."

I glared at her and raised my brows. She's been my P.A for the last 2 weeks and actually she's doing a little bit of a good job. But today, she made the greatest mistake of her life.

"So, you mean to still don't have it?!" I asked sharply. I am pissed off. I needed that perfume. My father's grand ball will be this evening and I don't have my favorite scent! "You're fired!"

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