"Min, you can't tell me that you don't find him attractive."
"Alright so what if I did? I barely have friends and you expect me to get a boyfriend? We don't even know each other that well." I explained while beginning to put away the cleaning materials. Seol Hee ran towards me and began dancing.

"Well, well, well... I didn't mention the word boyfriend now, did I?" She sung mockingly.
"Shut up."

"Hey, why are you guys cleaning up so much? Isn't this supposed to be a fun sleepover?" Seok Jin exclaimed as he threw a napkin in our direction. My uncle agreed with him and they both started screaming how bored they were. Jimin, on the other hand, was yelling at his friend to shut up and stop screaming in his ear. Seol Hee and I laughed and put everything away and started yelling back at them.

Finally, we decided to stop the nonsense and head down to the basement. Jimin insisted that he should go home, but Seol Hee convinced him to stay for longer.

Third Person P.O.V.

Min Ra and Seok Jin went to get the extra mattresses that she had in her basement from her mother's old beds. When she moved, she had left Min Ra the mattresses and bought new ones. They set up them up next to each other, but still leaving a space in between them to get in and out. While the two fixed them, Seol Hee and her dad tidied the room a little and Jimin got the blankets and pillows for his friends.

"Wow! We did such a nice job, didn't we Min Ra?" Seok Jin asked before giving Min Ra a high five. They both laughed and agreed that they certainly had done the best job and poor Jimin was not finding that fair.

"Hey come on guys! What about me? I'm not even sleeping over and I got you all blankets and pillows. I should throw them all in the trash or give them away on the streets." Jimin exclaimed, while proceeding to pick up the newly placed pillows. This lead to all of them yelling at Jimin for trying to mess the room and hitting them with the pillows on that he planned to throw away.

Eventually, one by one they each ended up with a pillow and teamed up against Jimin. Min Ra's uncle decided he would be the referee to make sure there was no cheating. "...Kids these days" her uncle thought while shaking his head and laughing. He was enjoying seeing his children and niece having fun. He also liked seeing them playing around with Jimin who was a good friend of his son.

He knows each of those kids have their own struggles, but it was nice to admire them come together to help each other forget about them even if it was just for a short while.

Hours later, Jimin's mother called him asking where he was. She was worried about him because it was getting late and it had started to rain about twenty minutes ago. They were all surprised at the news of rain and felt bad for holding Jimin up so late. Jimin told her that he was with his friends and would be home soon.

When he hung up they all helped Jimin get his stuff and walked with him upstairs. When they reached the top of the staircase, they could hear the very loud rain hitting the window of the building as well as the wind. Min Ra couldn't help, but feel guilty since after all, they were called there because of her. Seok Jin hurried to try and find extra clothes and an umbrella for Jimin. Min Ra quietly stood behind Jimin and pulled at the end of his sleeve to get his attention.

"Hey I'm sorry, if you want I can ask my uncle to give you a ride. That's if you want, but you don't have to. Also, since you know Seok Jin, maybe you wanted to stay here with him in the other room upstairs-" Min Ra went on, but Jimin cut her off with a soft laugh. She looked up at him with confusion and guilt written in her eyes. "It's fine. That's not your fault, I can check if I can take the bus. If not I'll just walk."

Min Ra frowned at his response and jumped up when Seol Hee screamed. The pair walked over to her and she was cursing at the wind who knocked down a trash can outside. "Hey bud, maybe you should just stay here for tonight. I can call your mom and let her know you're with me. Is that okay with you Min?" Min Ra was taken aback when they mentioned her, but she did not hesitate to agree. 

Jimin insisted that he did not want to bother anyone, but after meeting eyes with a guilty looking Min Ra, there was no way he could say no...

...He did also think that it looked scary and dangerous outside to go walk home.

Surprise!!! I know a lot of you guys have been asking for an update and I have let many of you down, but I wan to say that I'm genuinely sorry and I hope you can forgive me and enjoy this chapter. It did take me awhile to write and I've been having multiple issues that I've had to deal with, but hopefully I can be more active and motivated to continue this story. I can't promise when I'm going to post the next chapter, but I will try my best. This chapter is not very good, but now that I'm back I hope I can continue to write better chapters for you guys.

Again, I really am very sorry and I hope you all understand. Thank you :)

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