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Chapter Thirty-One:
Helpful Habits?

Things I will do a lot and with EXPLAINTIONS!

1) Put pepper on cookies.
I just like spicy and sweet things!

2) Spit in the toilet whenever I am done using the bathroom.
It sounds digusting but I mark that toilet as mine.

3) Doodle out my ideas.
I just do it so it's easier to explain it to myself.

4) Quote songs.
It helps my mood.

5) Act as if I'm driving.
It's fun. Don't judge!

6) Say who's name I don't like wrong.
It's fun to mess with them.

7) Take multiple pictures of something.
Because I get bored.....?

8) Have conversations with inhuman beings.
I need to vent things at times.

9) Break into song!
For a lot of reasons such as to enchance my mood, because I'm bored, or need some ideas...

10) Write what comes to mind.
I get bored?

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