The Sorting

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-Rainbow Dash POV-

The train finally came to a stop and we piled out. We hung out with rarity for the rest of the ride so all her treats were eaten except two chocolate frogs I planed to send to send to Blitz later. But even though we felt like we'd burst when they were gone, by now, we were starving.

When we piled out we heard a huge deep gravelly voice saying, “First years. First years this way. First years!”

I looked in the direction of the man and I almost fell over. He was huge! About twice the size of a normal man. I walked to him. “Hi. Where do the first years go?”

“Hello d’ere. Names Hagrid. Just stick with me and I'll show you and your friends da way. First years! First years this way!” me and 50 or so other people were around Hagrid and then he lead us down a road.

He pointed to a long row of carriages that had no horses to pull them. “This is where you will get from the train to the school in your future years. But we've always taken first years like you a more visually pleasing way. Come on!”

We followed him further down the path then we came to a lake with a ginormous castle on the other side. “Awesome.” I whispered.

“Go on an get in a boat.” Hagrid told is and I now noticed lines of row uitarboats on the shore of the lake. “Three people per boat. No need for oars.”

Confused, I got in a boat with AJ and Fluttershy. Rarity sat with a couple other girls that also had a fationita vibe to them. Hagrid got his own boat. Once everyone was seated, the unexpected happened.

The boats began going across the lake by themselves! Once I came over the shock of the serious magic that was happening right then, I looked back at the castle and the lighting combined with the magical ride and being surrounded by these cool witches made my entire day 20% cooler.

-Time Skip-

We were lead through the grand looking double doors by a woman with a light blue skin tone, but not a bright as mine, and two colors in her hair. Blue and a light purple. When we came to another set of large double doors, she turned around and talked to us.

“Hello first years. I'm Deputy Headmistress Luna. Beyond these doors is the grand hall where all of your meals and an occasional classes are held. When the doors open then you will go in and you will be sorted into one of four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.”

There was some whispering before she silenced us and continued. “Don't think your house as merely peers, but rather, your family. Throughout the year you will have the opportunity to get house points. Good decisions will get you points. Make a bad decision and you will lose points. I still expect you all to respect other students even if they are in other houses. For now, you may chat among yourselves.”

She went in the hall but we all remained silent till a voice I didn't recognize spoke up. “I wish you all luck in the house you are in. But regardless I hope you take your studies seriously.” I turned and saw a purple skinned girl with dark purple hair with pink and purple streaks. I was about to respond but the doors opened and we all walked in.

The grand hall was huge with 4 tables with lots if students on each one. Each table seemed to have it's own color scheme as well. They all had black but other than that there was Gold and Red, Yellow, Blue and Silver, as well as Green and Silver. Must be the house colors.

There were candles floating above us giving light to the hall and the ceiling was a very accurate intimidation of how the sky looked outside. At the front there was another long table with multiple grown-up men and woman that I supposed was the staff. There was one empty seat and I saw Deputy Headmistress Luna standing in front if the table looking at all of us with a smile. Beside her was a raggy brown hat on a stool. The sorting hat.

We reached the front of the room and the whole hall became quiet as if expecting something. Then the hat began to sing!

“Long ago I was just a hat
Plain for every eye that could see
Little did anyone know
What the founding fathers had in store for me

When they could no longer pick the student
To be in each house there was no need for dread
They simply put some brains in me
Now I can choose instead

Will you be a Gryffindor
The house of the brave
Will always fight for their rights
If ever made a slave

Or perhaps a Ravenclaw
The brightest minds you see
They wish for knowledge enlightenment and love
Thought can get it more often than me

Perhaps you will be Hufflepuff
The kindest of the four
Those incredible Hufflepuffs
Have greatness packed in store

Or even then a Slytherin
Both Loyal and Proud
They stay confined with their house alone
Never with the crowd

So step right up and try me on
No need to wear a frown
Cause hopefully the people in the house I choose
Can turn it upside down”

(A/N: I made it up. If it it to similar to a different song I apologize it was 120% unintentional)

The sorting hat became still and the whole room broke into applause for a few minutes till Deputy Headmistress Luna silenced us. “When I read your name, you shall come forward and try on the sorting hat then sit at your respective table. Sweetie Drops.”

I waited for my name to be called as multiple people were sorted in each house. Sometimes the hat will sit on their head for a long time before shouting to the crowd which house they would be in. Other times it was shortly after they put it on. The house they end up in will cheer for their new member as they came to the table

“Apple Applejack.”

AJ took a deep breath before going up. “Good luck.” I whispered so only she could hear me. She smiled then confidently walked up and put the hat on her head. It took a moment, then, “Gryffindor!”

I clapped along with the other Gryffindors and she smiled at me before sitting at her table and being greeted by the older Gryffindors.

Some more people went then she said, “Dash, Rainbow.” I smiled at Fluttershy before walking up and grabbing the hat. I hesitated for a split second before putting in on.

“Hmm. Another muggle born comes to Hogwarts.” the hat said in my head. “This is always a nice opportunity. But always a challenge for where to put them. You seem to have the qualities of all the houses. Bravery and recklessness of a Gryffindor. Loving nature for all close to you of a Hufflepuff. Observation skills of a Ravenclaw and wishes to know as much as you can about this world, yet doesn't like books. The ambition of a Slytherin and thinks about a means of battle a split second before jumping in. But which one is best for you? Hmm.”

I took a deep breath as the hat thought, “Wait. What's this I'm picking up? Yes. An overwhelming sense of Loyalty. Loyalty stronger than any I've ever seen. Yes. I know exactly where to put you. There has never been a Muggle Born in this house before, but there is always a first time.”

Then it shouted to the whole hall, “Slytherin!”


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