Chapter 9 (present day)

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Y/n's pov

"After that I got close to Shino and Sasuke but Sasuke and I haven't talked as much since the massacre but we're still pretty close." I finished my story the sun was now setting we were there all day Guy and Lee were both crying at the story like it was the worse thing ever. Tenten looked sad but she didn't take it as hard as Guy and Lee. then we had Neji just standing there with a blank face nodding "so what you're saying is you were born human and are now a monster?" Neji said and Guy punch him in the face hard "How  could you be so mean she's not a monster." Guy said I look down "No he's right I am a monster." I say and Take off my necklace so they can see. I continued to look down  but then look back up "I may be scary but I've been training and I can use it to fight and If I loose control I'm able to use a lightning style Jutsu to stop myself, and as long as I don't sleep then I can't harm you." I said trying to assure them "You don't need to worry Y/n as long as I'm around you can't hurt anyone." Lee said confidently.  I nod smiling a little putting my necklace back on and turning back to my regular form. Guy went back to a serious expression "So y/n I want to see your full strength so would you fight the whole team, I'll watch and if needed I'll step in."  he said and the other three circled around me. We stood there for a minute and i said "release" and I went into my silvery demon form. I look at them and then they try to rush me. fist I ducked as Lee punched and I grabbed his arm throwing him at Tenten sending them both flying into a tree then Neji kept trying to jab my chakra points but I doge with no problem lee charging at me once again from behind and he punches towards my head I duck and grab his arm and throw him into Neji sending them flying towards Tenten and in the end they all were in a pile on the grown. I yawn "is that all." I laugh 'what am I doing?' 'beat them hahahahaha.' said the female voice inside my head 'shut up' I reply 'they said show them all you got give me a turn.' she said. I don't think I can control her long I look at my team mates. my head hurts I hold it " Guy do you really want to see my full strength?" I ask him he nods "if that's what you want then you should call the Hokage to watch so it doesn't get out of control." I worn him he nods with a little sweat drop "I'm already here so you can continue. Guy you might also want to jump in the fight." The Hokage said Tenten got really nervous I just nod at the Hokage and I stop fighting my inner beast and I transformed in to a slightly more dangerous and sharp albino wolf tiger form it's of course not at full power because of my necklace. I charge at them but they dogged, Neji hit me with his gentle fist attack and I blacked out. When I wake up I was about to bite Guys throat I still couldn't control my body as I slowly made my way to his throat I struck myself with lightning and collapsed I didn't faint though I did my best not to pass out because I know the consequences. My body was covered in burns 'seal' I said in my head and I turned back into my human form. I look around everyone was beat up pretty bad but the Hokage it looks like I put him in a rock cage I lifted my hand and the cage retracted into the ground leaving him free 'you should have let me kill them.' Was all I heard before I blacked out luckily my body was too weak to be possessed by my demons

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