Prologue 3 | Eve

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"Here's the mail," Mum called from the bottom of the stairs. Nearly tripping over my own feet, I took the stairs down two at a time. My toothbrush was shoved round to the side of my mouth, foam soaping out and dripping onto the floor. Mum raised her eyebrows pointedly at my appearance, and held the letters high above me head.

"Eve, you leave immediately after you get your letter." Mum reminded me sternly. "Do you really want to show up on TV looking like that?"

Okay, I guessed that was fair enough. My blonde frizzy hair was stuck up in multiple directions, I was still wearing my pink heart patterned pyjamas and I didn't even have make-up on.

"Just let me see if it's there," I whined, because I had no idea whether I would actually be picked or not for Sabotage. In the spirit of the honesty I was trying to convey, I'd informed Sabotage of my intentions for the show in my application. In my opinion, they could take it one of three ways; genuinely think it would make for an interesting show and pick me; think my idea is ridiculously funny and pick me for a laugh, perhaps hoping my ideals get squashed and I end up getting corrupted anyway; or just think the idea is stupid and not pick me.

Obviously I was hoping for the first one, but as long as I got into the show it didn't really matter.

Mum pulled a thick, creamy envelope addressed to Eve Reid and waved it in my face. "Go get a shower. Then you can open it."

I saluted in reply, and ran back up the stairs energetically brushing my teeth. My heart felt a thousand times lighter. I had really done it. I'd made it into Sabotage.

Sabotage was a twisted game. It encouraged cheating to win, and sang the praises of lies and manipulation. Although everyone loved it and it did admittedly make for an exciting show, it was wrong. There was no doubt about it. And as so many young girls watched it, it set a really bad example.

Which I way I was determined to change that.

I wanted to go onto Sabotage and play the game, but completely honestly. I aimed to be a role model to the watching girls, to prove that people didn't need to lie and seduce and deceive in order to get to the top. I would be the complete opposite of the average Sabotage competitor, but I still hoped to win.

Winning wasn't everything to me - I didn't want to do it for the money. I just wanted to show that good, kind, truthful people can still succeed.

It's what Jesus would have wanted.

After getting properly ready, I ran down the stairs to sit with Mum and Dad around the table. My hair had been tamed into two French plaits, and I was dressed in a lovely red and white striped sweater with some skinny jeans and ankle boots. Mum gestured impatiently at the seat beside her, and I took my place, reaching out and joining hands with my parents just as the clock struck nine.

"Father in heaven, I love you,
You are with me night and day.
I'll try to love you always in all I do and say
I'll try to please you father,
Bless me through the day. Amen." We chanted together, a single unit sending our daily morning prayer up above. We released hands, and I smiled brightly at my parents.

"Well done, Eve." Dad said fondly, looking at me with pride. "You're going to set a good Christian example to everyone."

"God said not to bear false witness against thy neighbour." Mum recited. "I'm sure you shall teach them all that."

"Remember to say prayers at night and before you eat-"

"Try to find some holy water to bless yourself when leaving the house-"

"Make sure to get dressed properly before going on camera, be modest-"

"Mum, Dad." I interrupted them. "I'll be fine."

They smiled again, and my heart swelled with love for them. I'd never exactly been popular at school, and everyone had made fun of my parents, but they were good Christian people. My classmates might not have understood why I felt compelled to pray so much and go to Mass each Sunday, but I would teach them. After Sabotage, I was going to head to university and become an RE teacher. I would be able to have a job centred around my faith, and I couldn't think of anything better.

I reached over to the letter in the middle of the table, and slid the envelope open. I pulled out the little package and the letter, pulling it open.

Dear Eve Reid,

Congratulations! You have been selected to compete in this year's edition of Sabotage. You will leave straight after you take the pill in the accompanying package. The location is top secret, and you will be there for three weeks. During this period, you will not be allowed to contact anyone from the outside world. Doing so would result in the violation of the terms and conditions you agreed to in your application, and will result in serious repercussions. You will also be required to have a camera crew tail you for a week afterwards for part of our After Sabotage post-show special. After this, you are free to continue your life in whatever way you see fit. All of this is in the terms and conditions, and can be looked at in more detail during and after Sabotage.

As you know, this year marks the ten year anniversary of Sabotage. To celebrate the occasion, a special edition of the show will be released with many twists and turns on the original concept. The majority of these will be revealed to you upon your arrival.

We look forward to meeting you. Welcome to Sabotage.

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