Chapter 5

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"Owww!" Astrid groaned as she, Leonard and Mick left the tattoo parlor and headed to a bar down the street. "My back hurts!"

"Well, you just got a tattoo it's bound to hurt a bit!" Snart said.

"You guys never told me what it said... It's not dirty, is it?" she asked them.

"No, not dirty. Do you want a drink? My shout? Call it a celebration drink... tonight, you're an honorary rogue!" he told her.

"Absolutely, let's go!" she said, running towards the bar's entrance. They entered the bar and Leonard ordered them a round of shots and the three of them started drinking.

"So, princess... Let's have some fun!" Mick said. He nodded his head towards a table of unsettling characters playing poker. Astrid knew exactly what he was getting at.

Snart and Rory joined the game, while Astrid sat in between them.

"Why would we want to play with a bunch of pigs?" one of the men asked, confusing them for police officers.

"We're not pigs!" Mick grumbled.

"No, actually we stole their car and their uniforms... You've heard of the Rogues, right?" Leonard asked them.

"The Rogues?" another man at the table asked, raising his eyebrows. He was looking at Astrid as if he knew her, but couldn't quite figure out from where. She was reading his every thought.

"Alright... Deal me in!" the man gruffed. "Winner gets your patrol car outside! And your girl."

"No, just the patrol car," Leonard said, "...and what do we get when we win?"

"When you win? Don't be so sure of yourself. We've never lost a game... But I'll humor ya' what do you want?" he asked Snart.

Mick glanced at the man's watch. "Your watch is an antic... I want it!"

Astrid read the man's mind. It certainly was an antic and worth a pretty penny.

"Sure... But you won't win..." the man replied.

Astrid continued to assist Leonard and Mick with the game, reading their opponents minds and placing images into both Captain Cold's and Heatwave's heads, giving them both the upper hand.

The opponents continued to try and cheat their way through the game, but Astrid managed to keep up with them.

Once the game was done, and it was clear who were the obvious winners were, all the men stood up and held out their guns.

"You cheating assholes!" the man with the watch said, holding his gun aimed at Astrid. "I want your patrol car and the girl!"

Astrid felt a rush of fear and excitement rolled into one. She manipulated the opponents to hold their guns on each other, and no longer on she, Leonard and Mick. Her friends stared at her from their peripheral view, though they didn't lower their weapons.

"I'll be taking my watch now!" Mick gruffed.

The man with the watch was clearly afraid. Astrid allowed him to lower his weapon so he could remove the watch and hand it to Mick. Mick examined it and grinned, pocketing it, happily.

Astrid went to lead Mick and Leonard out of the bar, just as they heard the firing of a weapon. They turned to see, that the man who had just lost his watch, had shot at them. The bullet was coming straight for Astrid.

But it had stopped in midair. "Now, now!" the voice of a British woman broke the sudden deafening silence, "that's not how we treat a lady!" it was Amunet. She had stopped the bullet that had been shot. Frost was by her side.

Leonard stood in front of the bullet, blocking it from hitting Astrid and he and Mick aimed their weapons at Amunet, just as every other firearm in the bar was also pointed at the newcomer. Though she was accompanied by a large group of followers.

"I suppose that none of you heard me..." Amunet said, as she took the bullet in to her hand, "that is not a way to treat a lady!" She dropped the bullet to the floor, and raised her other hand. As she did every gun flew out of its wielder's hands and came to her. The guns hovered in a group in midair above the woman.

Astrid was in awe of the woman. "Hello, dear... Have we met before?" Amunet asked her, "You look very... familiar, even in that police uniform." Amunet approached Astrid as she spoke.

Leonard and Mick shuffled in between the two, but with a click of her fingers Amunet had her followers remove the men from out of her way.

Astrid noticed Frost standing beside Amunet. This was the first time that Astrid had seen Frost, in the flesh. Until that moment, she had only ever known Caitlin as just Caitlin. Astrid stared over at Frost, trying to recognize her. She read her mind, Frost was sending her a message in her thoughts. 'Astrid. You need to get out of here... I know you are not your yourself, right now, but Amunet is not your friend. She is not a good person, don't trust her!'

"Dear... You never answered my question..." Amunet continued, "Have we met before?"

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