Chapter 4

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Astrid, Leonard and Mick went over to CCPD to speak to Captain Singh. "Do I know your associates, Astrid?" Singh asked her.

"That's quite possible!" Astrid said with a grin. "I need you to do something for me."
Leonard and Mick had been very hesitant about accompanying her to CCPD, until she had told them that she would make it worth their while.

"I will tell you who these guys are... under three conditions, which you will do for me!" Astrid said with a grin. She was mind-controlling the Captain of CCPD.

"What are those conditions, Astrid?" he asked her willingly.

Astrid giggled and looked at Captain Cold and Heatwave. "My first condition is that you lend me a police car, my second is that you lend my friends and I some police uniforms and my third condition is that... You completely destroy their criminal records!"

Captain Singh tried to refuse, but her mind control was far too strong. He handed Astrid his keys willingly. "Thank you, Singh. These guys are Leonard Snart and Mick Rory aka Captain Cold and Heatwave!"

As Singh went to leave, Leonard whispered in to Astrid's ear. "Oh," she said and continued. "Can you also delete Lisa Snart's criminal record too?" Captain Singh nodded.

"You will also forget all of this ever happened by tomorrow morning!" Astrid called out over his shoulder, still compelling the Captain.

She grinned at Heatwave and Captain Cold. "Let's go!" She said excitedly, dangling the keys in front of their faces, with an excited laugh.

Snart took the keys away from her. "if we're going to do this... I don't know if that amnesia has affected your ability to drive... and we promised Sara that you would not get hurt... So I'm driving!"
"Fine!" She said, "But, I call shotgun! Let's go get our uniforms!" She led the two of them to where the uniforms were kept, with Mick grumbling that he had to sit in the back seat of the patrol car.

The three of them found their uniforms and a patrol car. Multiple times people tried to stop them, but Astrid used her mind control, willing the officers to forget ever seeing the three of them.

"Geez Princess. I wish that we had teamed up with you a long time ago!" Mick said as the three of them climbed into the patrol car. "It would have made heists so much easier!"

Leonard drove them out of the precinct with the sirens and lights blaring down the main street. Astrid slid her window down and screamed out into the busy night in excitement. The wind blew her hair about, so she put her head back in the window and put the window back up.

"God, Cisco would freak!" she exclaimed.

"I think you're right. All of your friends would freak to see you acting this way. Which has me wondering, why are you? What are you running away from?" Snart asked her.

"I'm not running from anything. I mean, maybe the fact that I just found out that my father died, but that's all I can think of." she said.

Leonard glanced over at Mick. "You're just having fun, aren't you princess?" he asked her. "A girl like you who has everything at her finger tips!"

"Can we drop this conversation, for now? I have an idea!" she said with that same excitement.

"Another brainy idea?" Leonard asked her.

"I'm going to get a tattoo... I mean, I'm old enough... I have the ID. Let's go!"

"You know that tattoos are of the permanent kind?" Leonard asked her.

"Yeah... and I'm okay with that!" she told him with a sweet smile. Leonard shrugged and drove to a parlor that he and Mick knew very well.

The three of them entered the tattoo parlor, "Okay you guys help me decide... what tattoo should I get?"
"I think I might have an idea of one!" Leonard said with a grin.

"Woah, my vibe senses are tingling!" Cisco shuddered.

"What did you see?" Barry asked him.

"Nothing... I just got a really bad feeling about something. Hey, we haven't heard back from Frost yet. I'm going to go and track Caitlin's phone. Maybe Amunet is on to her." Cisco ran over to the computer and begun tracking Frost's phone. "She's downtown."

"I'll go down there and check on her!" Barry said, disappearing before anyone could decide to go with him.

Barry ran until he saw Frost. She saw him hiding behind a corner and approached him.
"Barry, you shouldn't be here." She told him in a whisper. "Amunet is going to take me to meet her new recruits. You need to leave... now!"

Barry nodded obediently and did as she said, hoping that whatever Amunet and Frost had planned, that Caitlin would be okay.

Every ounce of him wanted to stay behind and help, but Amunet with a powerful army of recruits was not something he wanted to mess with. Doing so, could also risk Frost's cover.

He returned back to STAR Labs where he relayed what Frost had told him to his friends.

"So, it looks like we're sitting ducks." Sara said.

Cisco laughed at that reference. "Quack!" he joked.

The group ignored him, "I suppose that I can always check on Snart and Rory," Sara said, "to make sure that they haven't lost Astrid.

Sara stepped away from the group and was relieved when Mick answered the phone.

"How's Astrid?" she asked him.

She could hear Mick laugh a little and what sounded like Astrid swearing in pain.

"What did you guys do?" she asked him sternly.

"Nothing, the princess just decided to get a tattoo." He said, "she wouldn't take 'no' for an answer."

Sara looked over at Barry, Cisco and Harry. Cisco was trying to overhear her conversation on the phone.

"Whatever, Mick. Just keep her safe... We will handle this Amunet business." Sara explained.

Sara rejoined the group. "Astrid is... fine?" she said, uncertain of herself.

"Hey... What does that mean? Sara? What are you hiding?" Cisco pestered.

"Nothing... don't worry about it, Cisco!"

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