"Be careful, the tea is hot."

You spoke before averting your gaze,

"Not like I care or anything."

"Yes! Perfect! You're a natural-"

Hikaru clapped.

This hosting stuff is actually easier than I thought.

You pondered.

"So....(Y/n)- is it true that you do gang operations in your spare time?"

Your guest asked, her icy blue orbs piercing into your soul.

Gang operations??? Who makes up these rumors?!??!

You breathed in heavily, trying to maintain your bad boy ensemble,


You smirked.

Her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink,

"There are so much...polished and refined 'good guys' at this school; you captured my interest almost immediately."

She explained.

Am I not polished or refined?? Judging by looks I see-

"Me too! All the girls think you're a real hottie!~"

Another girl chirped.

You smirked and a ran a hand through your unruly locks,

"Well of course I've got the girls head over heels for me. I mean-"

You leaned in close and gripped her chin with your index finger and thumb, bringing her close,

"Wouldn't you agree that I'm hot?"

Squeals surrounded your table as she retracted her chin with a dark crimson blush.

You clamped a hand over your ears.

So loud!

"So, beautiful ladies-"

Kyoya interrupted.

"Oh, yes Kyoya?"

The brown haired girl replied,

"Do you guys like having (Y/n) as a host here?"

"Oh yes! He's great!~"

The blonde replied with a small blush.

"That's good to hear. I'm here to inform you that he'll be a host from here on out."

Kyoya spoke, casting you a quick side glance.


The two girls clapped,

"I'm so glad you're a host (Y/n)!~ In the hallways I was too shy to even approach you!-"

The brown haired girl smiled.

"You shouldn't be scared to come and talk to me-"

You smiled, before realizing you had let your true personality slip out and you immediately averted your eyes elsewhere,

"Or whatever. Just talk to me- It's not hard to just talk to someone-"

You returned, a pink color dusting your cheeks.

Then, once again, deafening shrieks and squeals erupted.


"So, I have a question-"

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