Dean Winchester One-Shot: Believer

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First things first I'mma say all the words inside my head.

"Screw you Dean Winchester!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. This was the third fight this week and honestly, it was over one of the most stupid reasons you could think of.

I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been-oh oooh

My body shook of rage as Sam stood in the background. Dean grabbed The First Blade off of the table in the motel room out of rage. Sam slowly approached Dean "Dean.. Put the blade down." I looked at Dean, face to face, rage and hatred decorated his features as he slowly started to walk towards me "You've always been a pain in my ass, Y/n. First this week you got the wrong food for going out, Second you almost shot me on our case, and now you're telling me you want to hunt on your own" Dean snapped, I backed away from him into the motel wall.

The way that things have been-oh ooohh

He raised his hand which in the air and sliced me across the cheek with the blade. My eyes widened at the burning pain on my face. It felt like when your cat drags their nail across your leg over and over on the same spot. I felt my fight or flight senses kicking in. 'fight' I thought to my self and punched him right in the face. Dean laughed "Oh, you're so weak! No wonder Sam and I always need to come in and save your ass." He was starting to get pissed, at this time he'd normally storm out but... This wasnt the case.

Second thing second. Don't you tell me what I could be.

There was a burning hatred for him forming in my chest, "Oh.. And you're mister perfect, huh? Why the hell do you think Kevin is dead!" I shouted at him.

I'm the one at the sail, the master of my sea-oh oohh

Dean laughed sarcastically "I'm the one always being blamed for Kevin's death aren't I? Who was the one who was supposed to be watching him? You. But you're caught up in your own little world about yourself. You don't care for others. You never have." He shouted at me, I knew it was the mark but he took another swing. I ducked fortunately, but he then kicked me in the gut. I fell to the floor, smashing my head against the wall.

The master at my sea-oh oohh

I shot up in a fit of hateful passion and smashed Dean's nose with the back of my gun. He took a few steps back and shot his head up, "You Bitch" Dean snarled and came running at me. Time started to slow down

I was broken from a young age, taking my soul into my masses

I started remembering to when I was a child, Dean was 14, Sam was 11, and I was 9. Sam and Dean were Babysitting me while my mom and his dad worked on a case. Despite what my mom told me and even what my dad used to tell me. I prayed. I would pray so hard for my life to be better... It never was.

Write down my poems for the few that looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me.

Poems. That's what got me through most of highschool. I sucked at Math, Science, History.. English and Drama were my best subjects in school. I even had a scholarship to Princeton.. Then mom died. My poems got darker, my grades went down and I was even forced to see a councilor. I dropped out by grade 11 and started to hunt for the S.O.B. that killed my mother.

Singing from heartache from the


That's what I felt, walking onto stage. It was a karaoke bar, Sam, Dean, Cass, and I needed a night out. A break from Hunting, a Break from Metatron, a break from even the tablets. It wasnt the normal pain you'd feel when you're hurt. It was the pain of your heartbreaking as you saw the man you loved flirting with another woman. It was obvious he didnt love me back. He made it clear when I confessed to him when I was 20. Although that was what, 8 years ago... It always hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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