Crowley One-Shot

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"There ain't no sweet apple pie ending in the Winchesters life." Y/n muttered to himself as she finished reading 'Swan Song' by Carver Edland. She adjusted her glasses that were making red marks on her face from wearing them for so long. She tossed the book aside onto his cluttered desk(which consisted of photography photos and poorly drawn fan art).

Standing up, Y/n reached for her cane beside her. She walked towards her door and made a salt line, she also locked the door and went to her windowsill, she made sure the salt line was still there. "I'm so superstitious." She muttered to himself, shaking her head with a wobbly smile settled on her face "Atleast I'd make Sam and Dean proud." She chuckled and went back to her bed.

"11:47 pm." Y/n muttered to herself and smiled softly, "I think it might be too late for a snack." She said and rested on her bed, she looked up at the ceiling which had a devils trap decorated across the roof. "Too bad I can't get the next book." She muttered "Wish Carver would just publish it already." She sighed and shifted around in the bed, in an attempt to get comfortable.

Sh put a hand under her pillow and yawned "Goodnight world." She muttered and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep

3:31 AM•

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat, having just experience the worst nightmare possible. "I'm not gonna be able to sleep for a little bit." She muttered and grabbed a flashlight that was in her burgundy night stand drawer beside her comfortable bed. Turning it on, she looked around the room. "Safe.." she muttered, until there was a knock on her door.

No... Not the front door.. Her bedroom door. Y/n was all of a sudden paralyzed. She lived alone and wasn't really close with anyone after her parents died in that malicious car accident.

"Room Service!" A thick British accent chimed through the door.

"N-No thank you." Y/n answer, she couldn't move at all, her mouth was dry and she felt like Death was approaching him. "Take all the M-money you want." She said and there was a chuckle through the door.

"I don't want your money, my dear Y/n.. I want you."

Y/n frowned and started to think.. Hard. "U-Uh.. Are you Crowley?" She asked, looking around in hopes to find an escape. Although, she wouldn't get too far.

There was a silence for a few moments. "Yes, I am... Now how do you know about me?" Crowley asked

Y/n reached for her Cane and glasses. She stood up slowly and placed her glasses on, she held her cane in her right hand and looked around for the books.

"Wait- Do you know of the Supernatural books... Written by Carver Edland??" She asked, quirking an eyebrow as she looked at Crowley, who had nodded slowly in response

"That limey bastard wrote about me in his books?!" Crowley exclaimed, his face getting redder than a tomato.

"W-Whoa, c-calm down!" Y/n exclaimed, biting her lip as she had watched Crowley be all pissed off.

Crowley nodded and sighed to himself, he regained his posture and sighed "I'm sorry my dear." He said and got down on one knee.

"As I was saying, I am looking for a queen and you are my next best choice. So, Y/n, will you marry me?"

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