Team Free Will [PART ONE]

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A/n: Make requests if you want! I may get writers blocks and requests would be good to get me out of it! Just PM me or comment down below! Also the narrator has no information about /You/ so that is why there is no information.

I use pronouns They/Them for the reader as I do not know the reader's gender.

My pronouns are She/Her if you're wondering

Plot: Y/n wakes up in an alleyway with no memory... At all. They go out onto the street and confront the first person they see, which happens to be Castiel.

*3rd POV*

There was no crisp breeze or bright sunlight where Y/n was. The Alleyway was black and cold. As if Y/n was locked away in a dungeon. Which was how they felt, mentally... Y/n woke up a few hours earlier to memory at all. No sense of who they are or how to do anything. All Y/n could do was walk and talk. That's what they discovered themself. Now let me bring you to the present, where Y/n they are sitting in the alleyway... Doing nothing

"Should I go out there?" Y/n asked themself. "What will await me if I leave?" They asked again, suddenly, there was an answer. Not to their questions specifically but two men appeared infront of Y/n. Not for Y/n, but the two men were fighting one another

"Castiel, just come home!" The man cried, in which the other answer "No, brother." And stabbed him, there was a bright light and then nothing but the sound of the body hitting the ground with a thump

Y/n looked at the scene confuse "Is he dead?" They asked the man beside them, who looked at them in shock. "Uh. No." He said, in which Y/n nodded "Oh. Okay." They went back to their contemplating what to do until they realised what they should do. "Excuse me, sir. It seems that I have lost all of my memory. Do you mind helping me?" They asked the man who was exiting the alleyway

The man turned around, and frowned. He sat in silence, something that confused Y/n. "I think Sam and Dean would be okay with it." He muttered to himself and then looked at Y/n "Yes, I can help you." He said and then approached them. He set his hand on their shoulder awkwardly "this may feel weird." He said and all of a sudden, Y/n was inside somesort of place. They didn't know the name of what it would be called "Is this your house?" They asked, in which the man shook his head "No, This is a Men of Letters Bunker." He answered.

Y/n nodded "The only thing that I remember is that my name is Y/n MacLeod." They said in which the man squinted at them, as if he was confused. The man started to analyze them. "MacLeod..." He muttered when the door opened "Cass! We're home!" A new voice shouted. And down came the stairs was a man beyond beauty.

"Are you an angel?" Y/n asked

"No, I am." Said the man beside them, the man in the trenchcoat.

The voice pulled out a gun, which caused Y/n to go into a panicking state. They threw their hands up "I'm a virgin!" They shouted, even though they weren't sure if they were a virgin or not. That was just the first thing to come out of their mouth.

The man in the trenchcoat looked at the two other men beside him. "Sam." He looked at the tall one. In which Y/n knew the tall one's name was Sam. "Dean." They looked at the model. The model was named Dean  "Meet Y/n... MacLeod." That's when Sam pulled out his gun, causing Y/n to freak out even more. "What did I do?!" They cried in fear.

"Nothing." The man in the trenchcoat said. "They have no sign of demonization or magical abilities so lower your guns." Trenchcoat commanded and then looked at Y/n "My name is Castiel, you no longer have to call me 'Trenchcoat'" he said which caused Y/n to blush.

"Well, thank you Castiel for..." They thought of what to say "saving my life I guess. I will forever be in your debt." They told him, in which a whisp of a smile appeared on Castiel's face. "You are welcome." Castiel said and looked back at the two men. "I must go, do not harm them." Castiel said, and flew off.

The two looked at Y/n, then at eachother. "Well, Y/n, I guess you'll be staying with us." Sam said

Y/n smiled "Awesome." They said and looked around, starting to touch things. "How about you sit here and my brother will make you some food." Sam said, in which Dean looked at Sam for a second and then walked away to where Y/n assumed was the kitchen.

"What do you remember?" Sam asked and Y/n thought for a few seconds "I know how to speak, and I know my name." Was all Y/n could come up with which caused Sam to nod "Do you think there would be anything to help jog your memory."

Y/n shrugged "I don't know, I'm not a-" a blank look fell onto Y/n's face as a memory played through their head


A small child around the age of 7 sat on the ground in a small village. Their red headed mother nursing a child. "My dear Y/n.." their mother said "Won't you please try and find us some money?" The mother's thick Scottish tone was full of exhaustion. "Yes, mum." The child said ran out into the street. Unaware of the events that were about to occurre. The child got hit by a horse buggy, there was a scream a call for a-


"Doctor." Y/n said, and looked at Sam, smiling widely "I remember something!" They exclaimed, jumping up in their chair. "Can you believe it!" They cheered, starting to dance around in a joyous way

Sam laughed to himself as Dean came into the room "I present to thee, a sandwich." Dean said, which caused Y/n to stop dancing and to sit down.

A quiet gurgle came from Y/n as they sat down, craving the food. The sandwich looked delicious "Hey, Dean, I just remembered something." Y/n said and Dean nodded, he seemed like he still had his guard up. "Good job, kid." He muttered and then walked out of the room.

Y/n watched Dean walk out in confusion, they looked at Sam "What's his problem?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow

Sam frowned "We know some people with the last name MacLeod.. they're not good people."

Dean returned to the room. "It's time to talk to Crowley." He said

To be continued

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