Chapter 2: The dream

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Percy was running from something. He didn't know what but something strong, big, and evil. He stopped and hid behind a blue colored building. He looked around and saw that there was a black shadow walking slowly, like it had all the time in the world, towards him. Percy began backing up more until he felt the cool of the wall touching his finger tips. He was alone and he was scared. A loud roaring laughter flew through the air. It was cold hearted and pure evil. Kronos. I WILL KILL YOU SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY PERSEUS JACKSON BUT FIRST I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER. YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY EVERYWERE INCLUDING OLYMPUS WILL PAY. He laughed again and threw a blade at Percy. It was 9 inches 4 inches away from his nose. 2 inche-

Percy was awoken screaming and sweating in panic. He sat up and ran out of the room not caring if he was wearing clothes or nude. He was directed to the big house. On his way he saw many people staring. He didn't care all he cared about was getting the news to Chiron, and to protect his loved ones. He noticed that the minotaurs that were outside weren't there anymore. He didn't care. When he arrived at the big house he was dizzy. Grover was outside on the porch and when he spotted Percy he ran over to him.

"Perrrcy! Where have you been Chiron has been worried sick about you." Grover said holding on to Percys arm.

"Grover..... I had.... a dream..... about Kronos." He managed to choke out between ragged breaths. Grovers face paled.

"So it's true." He gulped at the end. "We have to get you to bed so you can rest." Percy nodded. Grover helped him get inside and by the time they got inside his knees kept on buckling from under him.

"Annabeth! Chiron!" Called Grover. Chiron came running in followed by Annabeth. When Annabeth saw Percy her eyes got teary eyed. She walked up to Percy and slapped him. He looked up and he saw two Annabeth's. He smiled and fainted. Grover caught him and held him from his knees and torso.

"Percy? Oh come on Annabeth, didn't you see that he was barely conscious when I brought him in!" Grover screamed. Annabeth's tears escaped from her eyes and she curled up on the ground and cried. Chiron walked over to her and touched her shoulder. Chiron nodded to Grover and he walked over to an open room and lied Percy down on the bed. Annabeth was still sobbing outside even though Chiron was softly trying to calm her. After about 5 minutes she decided that it was enough. She wiped her eyes and stood up. Grover walked in the room.

"Chiron." Grover said. Chiron turned and looked at Grover. "Percy said somthing. He said he had a dream about..." he gulped" Kronos." Chiron stood up and frowned.

"This had to happen some day." He said. Annabeth walked over to the room in which Percy was sleeping in. She whispered in his ear

"I'm sorry seaweed brain." He moaned and opened his eyes a little. Annabeth smiled and touched his cheek.

"Annabeth?" His voice croaked and Annabeth held back laughter.

He smiled and said"Are you going to slap me again?" Annabeth frowned

"Im sorry Percy. I just couldn't help myself. You made me very worried. It's just that I thought-"

"Annabeth. Don't it was my fault for leaving and not telling anyone." He sighed then closed his eyes."Annabeth. I had a dream about Kronos and after you guys left me in the storage room" Annabeth flinched."I heard a voice in my head saying that he was out and that I couldn't do anything about it, and in my dream he said that he was going to kill.... me and my family." He opened his eyes and I noticed for the first time that his eyes were red and puffy.

"Percy I have to tell Chiron." She said. He nodded and Annabeth kissed him on the cheek."Hey Perce how about we go for a dip in the lake afterwords?" Percy's face lit up and he nodded." Ok but for now try to rest ok." He nodded again and closed his eyes. Annabeth walked out of the room to tell Chiron. Chiron was in his wheel chair form.

"Chiron I need to talk to you."

"Annabeth we have no time."

"It's about percy." He stopped

"Fine but make it quick."

"Ok so you know how Percy had a dream right. He said that it was Kronos who was speaking to him. He said that he told him that he was going to kill him and his family. He also said that he had risen and there was nothing that he could do." Chiron stood quiet.

"We're having a meeting after dinner go and tell everyone." Chiron finally said. Annabeth nodded.

"What about Percy?"she asked. Chiron sighed.

"We'll have to wait until he wakes up."he responded.

"Don't have to." Chiron turned around and was suprised to see Percy standing there leaning on the wall. He was fully dressed and had a glass of water in his hand. Annabeth smiled and ran to him. She hugged him. He winced but hugged her back.

"I heard you were planning on having a meeting without me. Thats not really nice." he said with a smirk. Chiron laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Lets go."

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