▪Horrible Days

7 1 0

Written: Sunday, March 14th, 2018
Published: Sunday, March 4th, 2018
Edited: N/A

Writing Prompt: Go over to your bookshelf, close your eyes, and pick up the first book you touch. Open the book to a random page, read the first full sentence on that page, and use it as inspiration for a scene. ~Jess Zafarris

Book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Author: J.K. Rowling
Page: 237
Sentence: "Snape was looking as though the first person to ask him for a Love Potion would be force-fed poison."

My cat gave me a glare as I reached over to try and pet her. I gave her a glare right back as I withdrew my hand, not wanting to get scrached.

This day had simply sucked. There was no other way to put it.

I was late to work, attacked by a patient, yelled at by my boss, got a ticket for parking my car in the wrong  place, and now Mikey, my one comfort in the world, was giving me a look that said, "If I was capable of force feeding you poison right now I would."

Of course the cat had every right to be upset with her as she didn't have time to feed him before she left the house, but that didn't make his being upset with her hurt any less.

So, with a soft huff I unclipped my I.D. badge, that I couldn't find this morning, from my blouse and set it on my nightstand before I got up to go feed the cat.

Walking into the kitchen I didn't realise there was a predetor underfoot until it was too late.

"DAMN IT!" I cried out holding my suffering left foot in one hand.

The cat had gotten into the Legos again and they were now strewn throughout the entirety of the kitchen.

Picking my way carefully across the kitchen floor, this being very careful about where I stepped, I finally began to make some progress.

I grabbed Mikey's food bowl and quickly grabbed his food out of the pantry. Easily using a can opener to open the food I quickly served Mikey his meal.

I settled down on the floor next to Mikey, petting him as he ate his food.

As the cat purred on I finally smiled. I had done something right today.

Word Count: 394

A/N: What do you guys think of the idea for this book? How did you like this first chapter?

I always appreciate constructive feedback so if you have any at all please leave it in the comments.

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