Daryl's Backstory

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When they met.......

L-25 D-37 M-42

Lexi's pov

I woke up around 7 this morning and decided to check out the new place i lived in. Walking into town, I notice this guy working on a motorcycle in a garage. I stop and he looks up at me.

"Hi. I'm Lexi. Who're ya?" I ask the man. He smiles at me.

"Daryl. Ya must be the new person next door." he says and I nod.

"Guilty as charged." I say and he smirks.

"Got yaself a British accent, there don't ya?" he asks. I blush.

"Yes. I'm from British Columbia. That's the reason for my wonderful, yet irritating accent." I tell him and he smirks.

"Think it's wonderful, but not irritating, sweetheart." he tells me. My knees go weak and I.hear my phone go off with the spongebob theme.

"Jax, stop messing with my ringers. What did you want?" I ask my abusive boyfriend, Jax. He tells me to get my ass home. I groan and end the call.

"Who's that?" Daryl asks. I look at him.

"My boyfriend, Ajax. I just call him Jax. I'll see ya tomorrow Daryl." I tell him and walk off.

He saves her......

L-27 D-39 M-44

Daryl's pov

When Lexi walked off today, I sighed. She's taken, but doesn't seem happy for some reason. I finish the bike I'm working on and grab my shit. I hop in my pickup and drive to the house. I'm almost to the door when I hear someone yelling next door.

"You fuckin' whore! You leave this house and flirt with every goddamned man in town. Get the hell outta my sight!" the voice yells and I run over next door and hit on the door till someone answers. I see Lexi behind the door with a black eye. I grit my teeth and push the door open wider.

"Where's he at?" I ask, anger coursing through my veins. She points to the back room.

"In his 'study'." she says. I stomp back to the room and kick the door open.

"Who the hell are you!?" he asks. I look at his computer screen to see the second worse thing besides hitting the one your supposed to love. Child pornography. I don't care what I hit, I just start swinging my fists.

"If you ever lay another hand on Lexi or any other woman, or search up that shit again, I'll kill your ass." I threaten him before breaking his laptop and walking back into the living room where Lexi's standing.

"Pack some clothes. Ya is gonna stay with me and Merle for a while." I tell her. She obliges and runs into her room. She returns with a small bag of clothes and she walks.out the front door.  I follow and walk over to my place. I hear Merle yelling into.the phone and groan.

Meeting Merle.....

"MERLE! SHUT UP!" I yell and he stops yelling. He looks at me and sees Lexi.

"Scored yaself one, huh baby-bro?" he asks, a smirk on his face.

"Nah, but she's going ta need a place to stay." I tell him. He nods and grabs a cordless phone and goes back to his room. I grab Lexi's hand and show her to my room.

"Ya can sleep here. I'll fight Merle over the couch." I tell her. She smiles.

Lexi's pov

I smile at Daryl and he looks down.

"I won't let you sleep on the couch. The bed is big enough for me and you." I tell him. He smirks.

"Don't get any ideas." I tell him. He smiles.

"Okay ma'am. No ideas are being thought." he tells me. I chuckle and go over to his bed. I lie down and a few minutes later, I feel.the bed dip down and I roll onto my side. I see him just lying there and.smile.

"Thank you. For.earlier." I say. He smiles.

"No need to.thank me. Just didn't want you to get hurt anymore. The bastard deserves jail time." Daryl says and I snicker.

Ajax is dead.......   Two months later......
Lexi's pov

I wake up to Daryl's arms around my waist, his face being buried in my neck. Two months ago, I'd moved in with the Dixon brothers and fell hard for Daryl. Ajax wound up going to a federal prison in Maine.

"Ya okay?" he asks. I nod, moving his arms from my waist so I can sit up. We hear a knock at the door and then hear Merle yelling for us.

"Daryl, Lex! Y'all might wanna come in here!" he yells. We.both scramble to find our clothes and get dressed.

"What Ya want this time, Merle?" Daryl asks as we enter the living room. We see Merle's friend, Tweaker, there.

"Got some news from my bro in Maine state prison. He says that ya ex boy got stabbed when he was trying to save a fifteen year old boy from a bunch of goons." Tweaker says. I nod and then feel Daryl's arms around me. I sigh.

"I feel no mercy for him, but feel the pain that his mum must be feeling." I say. He nods and leaves.

Two days pass, and I feel sick to my stomach once again. I am bowing before the toilet when I hear Daryl's voice from our room.

"Lex?" he asks as he enters the bathroom. I groan and he rushes to me.

"I though' ya said it was just a bug?" he asks. I shake my head.

"I think I may be pregnant. Not sure, but I stayed with my older sister and I saw these same signs. It was her third, or my first nephew, George." I say. He smiles at me.

"We'll make it. I promise, nothin' ain't gonna happen to ya or my baby." he says. I smile and we kiss as he picks me up and carries me to our room, just to.show me how excited he was for a baby.

First child......

L-28 D-40 M-45

Daryl's pov

The contractions had lasted all night with my new baby. I was.hoping for a son, but it's a little girl. I see a nurse walking over to where Merle and I are standing with a pink blanket. I get handed the baby and I look down to see her pretty blue eyes that match my own. The doctor tells me Lexi's room number and I walk back to see her.

We finally decide on a full name. Maria Opal Dixon.


L-35 D-47 M-Dead

Lexi's pov

Maria was stumbling beside me as we trekked deeper into the woodline. We are on our way to this place called Alexandria. She yawns and I scoop her up. I carry her and then I notice a gate and a sign that says: 'welcome to Alexandria.' I mentally cheer to myself and pull my gun out and beat on the door with the butt of it.

Daryl's pov

I was going on watch when I heard a banging noise on the gate door. I get my bow and walk over to it. I open it and see Lexi standing there and a five-year old girl in her.arms. I sling my bow.over my shoulder and rush to.them. The look on Lexi's face is priceless.

"Your okay. Maria's okay." I mumble over and over again. I feel movement and see my baby girl waking up. Her eyes light up when they see me.

"Daddy!" she squeals and I take her from her mom. I hold.her close and Rick comes out of his house. He sees me holding a little girl and woman and shakes his.head.

"Ya know those two?" he asks. I nod.

"This is my wife and daughter. The only family I have left." I say.

(L=Lexi, D=Daryl, M=Merle)

Song: Far Away by Nickelback or See You Again by Wiz Kalifa and Charlie Puth

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