Heartbreak and Sadness

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"It doesn't matter! Even if we weren't public, he can't just go around kissing girls because he wants to." Teddy said, his hair was slowly getting longer and even more red as this continued.

"Teddy. Calm. Down. Now. This is why I didn't want to tell you!" Teddy whirled to face her,

"What? Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd over react! You always do!" Victoire said, by this time, both of them were standing up and in each others faces, "You know what, fine. Go ahead and hex him, see if I care. Just leave me out of it." she whirled around and ran back into the castle, holding back tears.

Teddy tried to call out, but his voice wouldn't come out, and he couldn't do anything but sinking back onto the bench, his hair reverting back to his short, mousy brown hair he normally had around school. His head fell into his hands and he was alone in the courtyard.


Back in the Ravenclaw Tower, Victoire was in her dorm, crying her eyes out with Faith next to her on the bed, trying to sooth her.

"It's ok Vic, every couple gets into fights, you'll make up eventually."

"No, Fay, it wasn't like that! You should've seen it, it was awful. You know how when he get really angry, he can't control his hair?" Fay nodded, "You should have seen his hair, it was long, and bright, vivid red, like, more red than when Abernathy hexed Reid. It was bad."

Fay sighed again and continued rubbing Victoire's back.


Dom and Roxy were sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, Dom was giving Roxy advice with classes when the portrait hole slammed open then shut quickly and then Teddy stormed in, his hair was a rainbow of colors, mostly red.

"I wonder what got up his butt." Dom said and Roxy shrugged,

"No idea. He's usually never grumpy."

"I hope it doesn't have anything to do with Vic."

"What do you mean?" Roxy asked, confused, and Dominque snorted,

"They've been together since last year. They don't know that I know, but if you know Vic as well as I do, you notice things, like when your sister is in love and who she is around when she acts all lovesick. It adds up, ya know?" Roxy laughed, then paused,

"You don't think it does have something to do with Vic, do you?"

"No idea, but if it does, I'm gonna kill him. No one breaks my sisters heart and gets away with it." Dom said, putting her feet on the coffee table in front of them and putting her hands behind her head.

"I hope for his sake that Vic is in Ravenclaw Tower reading a book or planning a Library trip with Faith." Dom chuckled,

"Yeah, that'd be good for everyone. Teddy stays alive, I don't get detention, and everyone else continues on like normal."


It wasn't until the next day at breakfast that Dom knew something was up. She looked up and down the Ravenclaw table, she saw Lucy, but no Victoire.

"Hey, Molly, have you seen Victoire?" Dom asked, leaning across the table.

"No, but Lucy said she was crying earlier. No idea what it was about though." Dom narrowed her eyes at Teddy, who seemed to be threatening Reid with a knife across the table.

"I'm gonna kill him."

"Who?" Molly asked, confused. Dom shook her head,

"No one. It's not a big deal." Molly raised an eyebrow, but shrugged,

Loved Ones Return(Discontinued/Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora