Chapter 2

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After hearing about Branch's death, Poppy forced herself to lock herself from all other trolls and stay in her room. Poor Poppy.. 

 It's been two days since this tragic incident was spread. Biggie held his hand into a fist and raised it, knocking the hot pink door to Poppy's pod. He held Mr. Dinkles close to his chest, and backed up and so did the Snack Pack. It's been a few minutes with no answer. Maybe Poppy didn't hear it? Biggie knocked again but along with a " Poppy, it's us? " ... The door opened weakly. 

 They all gasped, holding their hands to their mouths looking at Poppy. Her hair was a mess, and mascara was running down her cheeks. She was in her pajamas but it looked like it was the only thing she'd been wearing, and she hadn't ate anything these past few days too. They looked over her shoulder, seeing her room is a mess. Poppy rubbed her eye, " What is it.. " She said cold. Cooper gulped, then spoke up. " We brought cupcakes! " He joyfully smiled, holding a plate of chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting and sprinkles in his hoof. It was Poppy's favorite. She'd stumbled over to Cooper, he lowered the plate for Poppy to reach. She carefully took one of the cupcakes and nibbled on it, she loved it.

" Mmm.. " She'd moan, closing her eyes tight. Poppy placed the cupcake on a small wooden table near her outside. Satin and Chenille speed-walked to Poppy, their hands cupped. " Also, the ceremonial is in a few hours, " Chenille finished off. " and you need to be there. " They then both said together, " For Branch.. " " Yeah, for Branch. " Guy Diamond stepped in with no auto-tone. Poppy stared blankly at her friends, then sighed. She picked up the chocolate cupcake and backed up into her pod and quietly shut the door. 

                                                                           --- 20 Minutes Later --

   Mr. Dinkles, who was laying on Biggie's head yawned tiredly. Then, they heard a door creak. They quickly got up and turned to Poppy. Her hair wasn't a mess anymore, her makeup was normal but with some black eyeshadow. She wore a black dress with little leaves at the bottom up to the knee with a spaghetti strap. 

 They stared at Poppy's new look, she sighed and walked past them, not really wanting to go to her Branch's ceremony. The Snack Pack stared at each other and was worried for Poppy, but they went along with it and followed her to the ceremony. 

   When Trolls die - which rarely happens. They usually are placed inside a wooden crate with the lid screwed tight, and thrown over the cliff into a river/lake. But, since that is a bit mean to the body, they just cremate them. But that is the family's choice, and since Queen Poppy is the only family Branch actually had, she chose what to do. 

 Two trolls with white caps latched onto their hair, making them look bald. Took the blue troll and gently secured the body inside the crate. They grabbed the wooden lid and screwed the lid on. Other trolls and the Queen walked over to the edge of the cliff, watching the workers throw the crate off the cliff. The crate flowed down the river, never to be seen again. 

  King Peppy slowly walked to the front of the crowd, they gave him some space to speak. " We are here to honor the death of our grey troll, Branch. He saved us all, was the Prince of the Trolls and the most intelligent.. " Peppy went on about Branch. Queen Poppy didn't listen though, she just looked down at the grass, at a twig. Reminding her of Branch. She'd rub her eye, then turning her head towards her father. " We now have some words from Queen Poppy. " He stepped back. Poppy stood in front of the crowd, staring at everyone. 

   " Branch, he w-was. Was- ehm.. " She'd started to sob a little, she tried to held it in but she couldn't. Poppy ran off, crying. All the Trolls looked at her, and sighed. Maybe one or two became half-grey. But Poppy couldn't, Branch wouldn't approve. He wouldn't, not from Poppy.

                                                                                      - - - 

 It wasn't till up a week when the crate washed on shore. It was starting to drizzle that afternoon.  Crows cawed, the leaves waved. It was a windy day too.

  A troll shadowed the crate, the troll had a cloak over it, so nobody could see it's face and a small pouch they had been carrying. They also carried a axe, a mighty one. The axe rose towards the large crate, cutting the crate's lid in half. They dropped the weapon and carefully placed the top aside and carried the blue troll out. 

 They bent down, then unbuttoning their pouch and grabbed a syringe. They injected it into Branch's arm. They stepped back, and unravel their cloak, revealing their face. There was silence for a few minutes, no crows, birds or crickets. Or a sound to be heard. 

     Branch opened his eyes, then instantly stepping up, then went down on his hands. He coughed up blood onto the grass. He had trouble breathing. He choked a little, then took a breath. He fell down, his breathing  sounded a little off. He blinked, staring at the cloudy sky.  Then after a few moments, he realized what just happened, Branch looked around. He took another breath, " Holy sh- "

WELP, THAT'S CHAPTER 2! And yes, I did do a cliff hanger, I  guess. I dunno anymore. And btw, this book is rated PG-13. So go away children.. Idk anymore, hope u liked chapter 2 I guess. I'm not sure anymore. And this book takes place in spring or smt, i wanted to point that out. k bye.

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