Six Feet Under The Stars

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"Will you go on a date with me?"

Awsten grinned widely at the nervous boy standing in his doorway.


The answer was so simple. Geoff sighed in relief.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yes, you dork!"

"Ahh! Please let me know this isn't a dream."

With nothing else said, the other boy enveloped him in a hug.

A minute passed and both boys had yet to pull away from the embrace.

It just felt right.

Seconds later, Geoff finally pulled himself out of the arms of the slightly shorter boy.

"This isn't a dream."

They stood there together for a few more moments, just looking at each other.

"I should um..." Geoff laughed, shaking his head as he couldn't seem to form his sentences correctly at that moment. "I should get going."

Awsten frowned but nodded.

Geoff was about to turn and leave when Awsten called out to him.

"Hey, wait!" Geoff turned quickly, "You didn't say when you were taking me out." He giggled.

"Oh! Yeah! I'm such an idiot. Uh, this Saturday work?"

Awsten smiled. "Pick me up at 8:00."

Geoff nodded happily.

As the two said their goodbyes and Geoff began his short walk back home, both boys thought of the other.

Geoff thought Awsten was way out of his league.
Scratch that- he knew Awsten was way out of his league.

It had taken the brown haired boy months to finally find the guts to ask out the other boy.

You see, Geoff was more of an outcast. He walked through the halls at school with his head down, he never raised his hand in class, and he rarely spoke to anyone that he didn't know well.

Awsten, on the other hand, was one of those people who everyone likes. He hung out with all the people who thought they were better than everyone else, he got invited to all of the parties, and was open and friendly with everyone.

Though this was ironic- because the person Awsten presented himself as really wasn't him.
All the people he hung out with? He secretly hated the majority of them.
All of the parties? He had always found a way to substitute the alcohol with another beverage without anyone noticing- and then played along as if he were drunk like everyone else there.
He didn't dare let anyone know who he truly was nor would he let anyone in.

Awsten battled with anxiety and depression every day. Plus, he was gay. He knew his life would become even more of a living hell if anyone found out.

What everyone saw was the mask he wore- the mask that portrayed a boy who was always happy and had his whole life together.

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