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((To clear up some confusion- I wanted to try to write one of these as a poly parx relationship- that would be this one))


It was 3:00pm on Saturday.
It was raining out and it had been all day.

Awsten was still in bed.

He'd been awake since the early morning, unable to sleep due to his wandering thoughts.

The weather always matched his mood, it seemed.

He stared up at the ceiling as tears continued to silently roll down his already tear stained cheeks.

Arrogant boy,
love yourself so no one has to.
They're better off without you...
They're better off without you.

Geoff and Otto were downstairs, under the assumption that Awsten was either asleep or wanted to be alone. That was because whenever Awsten felt this way, he pushed everyone away and told them he wanted to be alone.

The truth was that Awsten wanted more than anything to not be alone right now.

He prayed that his boyfriends would somehow sense that something was wrong.

He couldn't take it.
The silence... Guided by those in his head who wouldn't leave him alone.

Awsten cried harder as his thoughts continued to eat away at him.

And it was at that moment that his prayers were answered.
Awsten heard a soft knock on the door of the bedroom.


It was Geoff.

"Hey Awsten, are you alright?"

Awsten said nothing. He had no courage to lie to him at this point.

Slowly, Geoff pushed open the door and walked into the room, Otto following closely behind him and closing the door.

Geoff and Otto quickly exchanged worried glances before walking to either side of the bed and sitting at the edge of it.

"Awsten..." Geoff whispered, his voice laced with sadness from seeing his boyfriend this way.

"Make then stop!" He sobbed into the pillow.

"Oh, baby... Come here."

Awsten sat up slowly, allowing Geoff to engulf him in his arms.

Awsten breathed shakily into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

Otto then got up and walked to the other side of the bed, rubbing Awsten's back.

"I love you. Don't you ever ever question that. I would be nothing without you. The ones in your head are wrong, so very wrong. You are so much more than you know." Geoff said quietly into his boyfriend's ear.

Awsten sniffed, finally looking up at his boyfriend. Geoff kissed him softly on the cheek before looking over to Otto.

Awsten turned over to the other boy as he quickly pulled him into his arms and fell back onto the bed.

Awsten laughed halfheartedly as he lay his head on his boyfriend's chest. Otto brought his hand up to Awsten hair and ran his fingers through it.

"You're incredible, you know that? The world would be such a dark place without you. I couldn't do this without you... We couldn't do this without you.
Please promise us that the next time you'll try your hardest to tell us.
We hate knowing you feel this way while being alone..."

"Alright. I promise." Awsten mumbled into his boyfriend's chest. And he meant it. He didn't want to be alone anyways.

Geoff lay back with his boyfriends. "Do you want to go watch movies? It could help right now."

Awsten nodded quickly.

"Can we watch Aladdin?"

They all sat up and Awsten rubbed his eyes before turning over to Geoff.

Geoff laughed, "Of course."



Although, I feel that this one isn't very good.
I just want you all to know that if anything said in this story made it seem as if depression is not a big deal and is just a passing thing, or if it seemed like Geoff and Otto weren't very understanding of it, that was in NO WAYS my intention. I tried to edit it the best I can. But I want you all to know that I have experienced depression at first hand and I know how serious it can be.

I hope this one was still alright.

x Tate

Afterglow // Gawsten One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now