Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night)

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The moment Geoff received the text on his phone he left his house without a second thought.

He got in his truck and drove the short distance to where he was going.

When he arrived he didn't even bother knocking and opened the door. He immediately ran up the flight of stairs to the door on the left side of the long hallway.

The room was completely darkened with all the lights having been turned off and the window shades being closed.

Geoff slowly closed the door behind him and followed the sound of muffled sobs that derived from the far left corner of the room.

There, Awsten was sat with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his arms as he cried heavily.

Geoff sat against the wall and tightly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and began lulling him.

"What did I do wrong?" Awsten spoke hoarsely.

"You never did anything wrong." Geoff whispered.

"Then why are they torturing me like this? Why won't they go away?" He lamented.

"I don't know, baby. But I promise I'll do everything I can to fight them for you." He shut his eyes as his head rested on top of the younger boy's and sighed.

"You never deserved this. This is the last thing you could ever deserve."

The room was silent while Geoff thought momentarily before making his decision, standing up and taking the smaller boy in his arms.

Awsten knew better than to rebel against this action and instead buried his face in Geoff's chest.

When they got out to Geoff's truck, Geoff unwrapped Awsten's legs from his waist and his arms from his neck and delicately placed him in the passengers seat.

Geoff made his way to the drivers side and got in. He started the engine and began backing up out of the driveway.

The ride was silent as tears continued to slowly roll down Awsten's cheeks.

Geoff's hand lay comfortingly on top of the boy's thigh during the whole ride.

The sun was soon to go down and a darkening sky was complimented by a fading sunset.

After taking numerous turns into the far outskirts of Houston, Geoff put his truck in park in the center of the dirt road that was surrounded on both sides by vacant fields that were closed in by a thick layer of trees.

Geoff got out and walked to the other side of the car and opened Awsten's door for him before moving to the back of the truck.

Awsten followed behind the older boy and stepped up into the bed of the truck where a blanket was spread out.

Geoff sat down on the blanket with Awsten mimicking his action.

The older boy then wrapped his arms around the other and lay back onto the blanket with him.

Awsten shifted himself so that his head was resting on Geoff's chest and his leg was draped over Geoff's.

The younger boy's breathing evened out and his tears had stopped flowing.

It was then that the silence between the pair was broken.

"Thank you."

Geoff smiled half heartedly, "you don't have to thank me, you know?"

Awsten then shifted once again so that him and Geoff were facing each other.

"I do though." He laced their fingers together and sighed. "You're the only one who is ever there for me, physically and mentally. No matter what it is, you'll be here in minutes and will try so hard to make me better. No one does that." He paused. "And tonight, I was left alone with my thoughts and it all just... got to me... But then you played your part as the hero and came in and saved me, as always."

"I love you, Aws. You know I would do anything and everything in my power to help you and simply be there for you at all times. I know, and I feel it too, that things can be too much sometimes and can just throw you off track... or worse. But I'm always here. Always.
I want to spend the world with you, Awsten Constantine Knight."

Awsten smiled, "You're all I could really ever need and are more than I could ever ask for, Geoffrey Donald Wigington.
Thank you for being the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground."

Geoff kissed the boy once more on the cheek as the two became more comfortable and slowly began drifting off into each other's dreams.

Stay awake.
Get a grip and get out.
You're safe from the wait of the world.
Just take a second to set things straight.
I'll be fine, even though I'm not always right.
I can count on the sun to shine.
Dedication takes a lifetime,
but dreams only last for a night.


Okay okay okay, I wrote this one in only a few hours- which is good for me because I've had a bit of writers block lately.

This was really not the greatest, but I do hope you all liked it.

Also, to whoever picked up the unintentional reference I made somewhere in here- I love you.

x Tate

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