Don't You Go

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Geoff sat up slowly as he woke up, immediately being hit with a pounding headache.

He was used to the hangovers.

He looked over at whoever was asleep next to him.

The boy's frame was smaller compared to Geoff's.
His hair was a faded purple color.

Geoff looked around the room, seeing that it was his own this time.

He attempted to get up but the pounding in his head was quick to stop him.

He groaned internally as he lay his head back down on the pillow.

After staring at the ceiling for however long, he turned his head to look more closely at the boy.

He really was pretty.

Geoff shook his mind from the thought. This was a one night thing for fuck's sake!
Nothing more.

Geoff hadn't before seen the reason to fall in love again. His heart was already broken once. Why would he want to repeat that dance?
Exactly. He didn't.
So every night he would go out to some bar or club to pick up anyone who seemed the slightest bit interesting.

It wasn't a big deal though, usually neither one of them remembered anything that had happened the night before.

Geoff's thoughts were interrupted when the boy beside him began to stir, his eyes fluttering open as he looked at the other.

"Hey." He mumbled. Voice laced with sleep.

Oh god, he's one of those people! The ones that try and have a conversation with you the next morning instead of just leaving like they're supposed to.

He decided to go with it this time.


The boy sat up slowly. Geoff tried to follow but ended up falling back onto the pillow again.


"Oh shit, I forgot about that. Uh... Do you want me to go get you some painkillers?"

"No, no, it's fine. Really."

"Nonsense. I think I know where the bathroom is. I'll be right back." He said. Standing up quickly and walking out of the room.

Why is he so... Normal? Like, how is it possible that he doesn't have a hangover? Or if he does, he hides it very well.

After a minute or two, the boy walked back into the room. Going over to Geoff's side of the bed and handing him a glass of water and some Advil.

"Thanks." Geoff mumbled. Swallowing the pills and setting the glass onto the nightstand.

The boy sat down on the edge of the bed.

Geoff looked up at him, clearly confused.

"Oh! I'm Awsten. By the way."


Awsten smiled softly.

Geoff took this opportunity to ask why the fuck he didn't have a hangover.

Awsten laughed to himself, causing a look of confusion to settle onto Geoff's face.

"I don't drink."

Geoff's eyes widened.
He had fucked the guy when he was sober!

"I... Why did you agree to this then?"

Awsten looked down at his hands before speaking.

"I don't know... I just... Even though you were drunk, and it was pretty obvious, I just felt like this was meant to happen this way."

Geoff could hear his heartbeat in his ears.
He hadn't felt this in years.
Why now?

He sat up slowly as the painkillers had begun setting in.

"I don't know what to say." He said. Not aware that he was blushing.

"You don't have to."

Before Geoff knew what was happening, Awsten quickly straddled his waist and closed the distance between them.

Geoff's hands gripping Awsten's hips and Awsten's hands tangled in Geoff's hair as they heatedly made out-
You can imagine what happened next.

But this time, there was something more there.


Geoff opened his eyes groggily as sleep departed from him.

He wasn't hungover.

He turned over to look at his boyfriend as he too began to wake up.

The boy's frame was smaller compared to Geoff's.
His hair was a bright purple color.

Awsten smiled and moved closer to him.

With legs tangled together underneath the sheets, Geoff kissed Awsten's neck softly and looked up at him.

Awsten chuckled, "What?"

Geoff smiled. "I just was thinking... That all of this..." He laughed "It was a one night stand, till I woke up next to you."

Awsten smiled widely from being humored by the statement and hugged his boyfriend closer to him.

Things were supposed to happen this way.

It had been months since Geoff had had his last one night stand.
It had been with Awsten.

Awsten kissed the other boy softly.

"So give me one more night with you."



This was so cliché and sappy but fuck, I seriously loved writing this one.

I put off writing it for a while, but finally got the motivation two night ago.

Tell me if you guys want me to write more/update more!!

I seriously appreciate the feedback.

But yes, I hope you all enjoyed reading this one!

I'm tired.

x Tate

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