Chapter 3

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At around 4 pm I woke up and we started shooting our last night shoot. We were about to jump of a yacht after we did a cover of Brittany spears, toxic. I got up and Shawn greeted me with a kiss on my head and some breakfast, he had made me some blueberry pancakes which were my favourite. I got up and ate my pancakes before giving him a kiss and heading out the door. I met up with the other Bella's who were already at set. "Hey guys." I said as I walked in to the yacht where the crew was setting up. "Oh hey, just on time." Trish the director said as she came up to me. "Hey." I said. I walked up to where the rest of the Bella's were, we started shooting and we got to filming, I had never told anyone this but I was scared of water.
"Guys." I said nervously.
"What's wrong?" Anna asked.
"I'm scared of heights." I said as I looked down.
" hey, don't worry, we can jump together." Cynthia suggested.
"Sure." I said, sounding a bit more confident.
Just then I felt someone grab on my hand. I spun around to see Shawn standing there.
"What are you doing here babe? Aren't you tired?" I asked as I hugged him.
"A little bit, but I know you are scared of heights so I came here to comfort you." He said smiling at me before kissing me on my head.
"I love you." I said
"I love you to." He replied. I hugged him against before waiting for my turns to jump.  I jumped but I was so scared that I started crying after. I got out the water and hugged Shawn, and he didn't even care how wet i was. He just stood there with me for 5 minutes just calming me down. I finally jumped again and we got the shot we needed, after that it was about 4 am and we had to shoot one more scene. We all got dried off and we went to the next place to shoot.
"See you later." I said to Shawn as I hugged him.
"See ya later babe." He said as he kissed me goodbye.
We went and we filmed the scene where we did cheap thrills. This is probably my favourite song in the movie so it was really fun to film it. I went back to bed and I saw my ex standing there with flowers.

Authors note: hey guys sorry this chapter is shorter than the others, I have been super busy with assignments and sports, also I know this is kind of a cliffhanger, not really but yeah, thanks for reading guys Cya xoxo

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