Simple Exercise

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If you are trying to loose weight or are trying to stay fit, simple exercise is really all thats needed.

You dont need an hour of Insanity or whatever.

Only do that if your muscles are used to it and you're really into super full body-sweat-out-the-damn-ocean-type of work outs.

But dont be too hard on your body, we dont need to strain ourselfs dear

Take a simple 15 minute walk or jog around the nieghborhood.

And if you have ever watched my all time favorite movie Pitch Perfect...horizontal running does not count...I reapeat DOES NOT COUNT. lol

Do some simple yoga, I love yoga it relaxes me and just makes me feel better.

Ladies if your on "shark week" yoga can help relax you and take your mind off things.

And yoga isnt can do it for hours and not feel tired.

Remember to drink water throughout your exercise time.

Be happy, Be healthy.

I love cheerios...




Love you!


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