- A Hospital Sleepover -

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Based on when Kazuichi said he wanted to fix a device for Fuyuhiko for his boredom in chapter 3!!


A knock on the door brought Fuyuhiko out of being dazed, and staring at the wall like a complete idiot. "C-come in.." He mutters, glancing at the window once more, then back at the door to see who could possibly be visiting him. Maybe Hinata, or Tsumiki to check his wounds?

But, someone a bit unexpected came in. Souda. "Heya! How ya feelin'?" The pink haired boy asked, walking in and shutting the door quietly, "I-I feel....better." Fuyuhiko sighed, looking at the window again. "You are probably bored just sittin' in here alone, yeah?" "I-uh..maybe? I guess..?" "Well, here then!" Souda handed him a small, black device, "Ah, wha-" "It's just a lil somethin I fixed up over night for ya. Must be pretty lonely in here alone." He said, sounding quite proud of himself.

Fuyuhiko paused, taking a minute to reply, "...thanks." He mumbled, turning it on and investigating it quietly, tapping through apps on it. "No problem! Anytime!" The mechanic smiles wide, his sharp shark teeth showing pretty much completely. Fuyuhiko continued to scavenge through it while Souda explained to him how to use it 'properly.' He said properly in some weird, fake royalty tone, which made Fuyuhiko crack a slight smile.

After a while of small chit-chat, Souda got up, "Well, it's about time for dinner. Want me to bring you somethin'?" He asks the yakuza, "Uh, s-sure..just..rice or something.." he stumbled. "Sure thing!" As the boy began to walk away to fetch them both some food, he heard a small mumble from the shorter boy, "th-thank you.." He smiled to himself and went off to get the food.

Once he came back, Fuyuhiko was playing on the device he gave him. He felt more proud of himself seeing how much it entertained the yakuza. He handed him the food, and got another muffled thanks. The two made more small chat as they ate, talking about what they would do when they got out of here and such. Fuyuhiko put the plate on the bedside table, and scooted down a little in the hospital bed. "Tsumiki will probably be here soon to check my stomach n' stuff." He says, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Probably will. Should I go?" Souda asked. The yakuza looked away, "I-if you want to, y-you can stay," He blushed slightly, "b-but you can stay if you wanna..." "I'll stay then." He decided quickly. Fuyuhiko smiles softly to himself, quite a bit happy the boy stayed.

Once again, they chatted until Tsumiki came to check his wound, "H-h-he sh-should b-b-be discharged t-t-t-tomorrow..!" She stuttered like crazy to Souda, "Sounds good!" Souda said, hoping she would leave so he wouldn't have to hear her annoying stuttering.

After an hour or so more at the hospital, he yawned and said, "I should head back to my cottage. It's startin to get dark out." Fuyuhiko sighed, and glanced away again, "wh-why can't you stay here..?" He questioned quietly. "Y-you want me to stay? L-like, the night here..?" Souda asked, looking at him. He blushed again and mumbled, "Y-y-yeah...I like your company.." he slightly mentally hit himself in the head for sounding so stupid as he said that, "Sure, I can stay if you want," Souda began, "But where will I sleep?" "The on-call room or one of the chairs in here could work." The yakuza pointed out. "I guess I'll stay in here with you, if you want....?" "Sure..that would be...nice..?" He muttered, mentally hitting himself again.

As he slowly drifted to sleep, the mechanic set up his 'bed' of chairs. He found a blanket in the closet and shook off the dust, as well as a pillow, and did the same. After turning off the lights, he walked over to his makeshift bed and laid down. "Night, Kuzuryu." He muttered as he fell asleep as well.


I hope you like this first chapter! This is more on the brOTP side!


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