Judge - SerenaMCiprano

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My name is Serena M. Ciprano, the creator and judge of the Wattpad Origins Writing Competition. I thought I'd introduce myself along with my fellow Judges before we get to writing so you know which judge is who.

Allow me to tell you a bit about myself in terms of writing. I believe writing is an escape to another world as it pulls readers through the book and lets them live it. The few things that prevent me from being that reader are grammar errors and lack of flow in a story. Regardless of that, I am pretty much open minded.

I would like to say good luck to all writers participating and to remember to have fun. Writing is not a chore! I hope many of you benefit from this competition in many ways and show great dedication to it which is a quality I admire in a writer.

Try your utmost best and nothing less than that.


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