Chapter Fourteen ~ Loki

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I gently pet Ebony as I sat down in an empty compartment on a crimson train known to many as the Hogwarts Express. I curiously ran through what I had read of Hogwarts in several books and what I had heard from the goblins as the train started moving underneath me. It was supposedly a very safe location, but the goblins' stories of what transpired there lead me to believe different. The way I saw it, the headmaster was a senile old man who couldn't discern between helping and manipulating. My only reason for coming here was to meet my other triplet brothers, but training my magic would be a welcome experience. I frowned as I shifted, feeling my wand move uncomfortably in my robes pocket. Pulling it out, I took a glance at the the curvature and carvings of the wand. Gently touching the wood, I let the magic flow from my core and throughout my body, responding to the call of my new wand. I couldn't get rid of the sigh that escaped me as the feeling passed away though, I missed my Asgardian scepter, it's weight, the coolness of the metal beneath my fingertips, the rush of strength and reassurance that came with wielding it. Fortunately, Ollivander had promised me my wand could be transfigured to a staff if I so much as wished it without harm to the core, but it would never be the same. I shook myself from my despair upon hearing loud chatter coming from the hallway. I flicked my fingers and my Asgardian magic warded the door, keeping anyone from peering, eavesdropping, or coming inside. I gave a small smile at the familiar sensation of the power rushing through my veins. It eased some of the nervousness I was feeling at finally meeting my triplets. I had only known about them for a few days, but the idea of a blood-related brother, no matter how much I loved Thor, sounded truly enjoyable. The mischief that could be made...
I spent the rest of the train ride admiring the rolling lands of Scotland, petting Ebony, and thinking of the pranks that could be pulled. My thoughts were only interrupted once the train started to slow down. I sighed and gently set Ebony down on the seat beside me before I snapped my fingers and grabbed my trunk from the Inbetween. Gently withdrawing my elaborate robes, I replaced my trunk and quietly got dressed. I heard the wheels screech which caused Ebony to startle, but I only straightened my robes and picked her up. Calming her, I banished my enchantments on the compartment and left, but not before placing a small illusion on myself. I became one with the crowd of students and pets as I followed them off the train.
As I stepped off the train, I could see a beast of a man, obviously not completely human, yelling out words in a thick lisp. "Firs' years ova' 'ere! Mistas Odinson an' Jackson too! Firs' years! Odinson! Jackson! All firs' years ova 'ere!" A small smile came to my lips as I realized this man must be our escort. Nonetheless, I separated from the crowd and walked over to the man, momentarily distracting him from all the little children staring up at him in awe. "I am Mr. Odinson, and you are?" The man have a wide grin and extended an equally large hand to me in greeting. "Hullo! 'M name's Rubeus Hagrid, but ya can jus' call meh Hagrid!" I smiled, shifting Ebony to one arm, as I shook his hand and stood to his side as he continued to call the first years and Mr. Jackson over. Jackson also happened to be the last name of Perseus Jackson, the second youngest of my brothers, the adopted son of Poseidon. After a few minutes, quite a few young ones were staring at me in wonder, but I paid them no mind; rather, my attention was captured by two nearly identical people stepping off the train. They looked exactly like me when I wasn't under an illusion, so it was obvious that these were my two little triplet brothers. A warm feeling came to my chest as the taller of the two spoke to the shorter one and began walking over here. Hagrid saw him too, as the man called out to him. "Are ya Mista Jackson?" A sharp nod of the head and an easygoing smile was the response he got as my second youngest brother stood next to me on the side of Hagrid. "Hello, Mr. Jackson, my name is Loki Odinson." I gave him a warm smile, which Perseus returned in kind. "Hey, my name's Perseus Jackson, but please, call me Percy. It seems we were both stuck with interesting names." I nodded my head with a small chuckle bubbling through my lips. "It seems so. Are you coming from a different country as well?" Percy seemed to get defensive as he dropped his right hand into one of his robe pockets, getting into a ready stance. "How would you know that?" I chuckled at his reaction, but was glad he could take care of himself instead of being a loving and trusting idiot to all the new people he could meet. "Well your accent gives it away, and the fact that we both are standing amidst a group of eleven-year-olds while everyone else is going to skeletal horse-drawn carriages." Percy hummed to himself and stood back up, putting a hand behind his neck with a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, where I come from some people don't exactly like me." I nodded my head to show my understanding as Hagrid started leading us all to a lake where several little boats were docked. "Alrigh' e'rybody, only four ta a boat!" I smirked at Percy as he stepped into one of the boats with ease. "Mind if I join you? I believe we both count for four children." Percy gave a lopsided grin as he outstretched a hand for me to grab to get in. I scoffed and stepped aboard as smoothly as I always did when I was little and went exploring on Odin's viking boat. "Please, I'm not the only one with experience around water." I raised my eyebrow and smirked at him as he backed up a little with his hand back in a pocket, glaring at me. "What do you want?" I shrugged and sat down, making sure my robes were not being wrinkled, and gently set Ebony down on the floor. "I don't want anything really. I just happen to know about your backstory, Mr. Savior." Percy didn't relax any, but he took his hand out of his pocket and sat down as Hagrid began to push the boats across the lake with magic, presumably. I saw Percy open his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him before he could. "You shall know how I know soon enough Percy. Now get ready for something interesting." I let a smug, slightly insane, smirk stretch across my face as I let my mischief domain slip slightly.

The Potter Triplets (Avengers/PJO/HP Crossover)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora