“Klaus!” I cried. “Please come back. I have mind made up. I love you, Klaus. And I forgive you for everything. Please come back...” I whispered, tears streaming down my face. Klaus just laid there, unmoving. I lowered my head and planted a soft kiss on his lips, then just laid there, my head on his. After a while, I gave up hope he would awake.

Suddenly, anger built up. I stood up and rushed in front of Stefan. He stepped back in shock.

“HOW COULD YOU!?!” I screamed in his face.

“Lizzie...” he began, but I stopped him, my anger boiling over.

“No! Don't Lizzie me! You just killed the love of my life!” I screamed.

Stefan looked at me, shocked.

“He's not dead.” he finally whispered. That just made me angrier.

“Same difference! He's not alive. He's not moving. He's not with me!” I screamed. He said nothing. I saw Tyler sneak out from the corner of my eye, but I could care less. I never liked him anyway. Stefan just stood there, guilt and pity in his eyes.

“I'm sorry, Lizzie. But he was going to kill Elena. I had to do something.” he finally said. I growled, then turn and ran out of the house. I ran into the woods. I just ran and ran, trying to outrun these feelings. I considered turning them off, but no – I couldn't do that, not again.

Finally, I couldn't run anymore. I just sank to my knees and sobbed.

Just when I had figured everything out – that I wanted to be with Klaus, that I wanted to try to make things work with my brothers and finally be a family – this happened and screwed up everything. My brothers had basically just killed the person I loved and wanted to be with. How could I forgive them for that?

I sat in the forest for what felt like hours, just crying. Finally, when I couldn't cry anymore, I got up and went back to the mansion. I was going to find a way to revive Klaus. But when I got back to the house, his body was gone. The rage boiled in me again.

I ran all the way to the Salvatore Boarding House and barreled in. There was no one there. I screamed in anger. They had taken Klaus and were going to do God-knows-what with it. I was so angry, I just wanted to rip someones heart out. Then I got an idea. It was pure evil, but I didn't even care. I ran to the Gilbert residence and kicked in the door. No one came, but I heard yelling upstairs. I walked up the stairs and saw Jeremy standing over an unconscious Elena. He was yelling into the phone for paramedics.

Damn, I thought. She was already down. My plan was screwed. I walked away, leaving Jeremy with an unconscious sister. I secretly hoped Elena wasn't okay, and possibly even died. I wanted everyone to feel the pain I was in. I decided to call my brothers.

“Lizzie?” Stefan questioned when he answered my phone call.

“You have Klaus.” I said, not even bothering to ask – I knew.

Stefan sighed. “Yes.” he said. I sighed too.

“Well, I don't know what your plans are, but you might want to change them.” I said.

“What? Why?” he asked.

I said one word. “Elena.” then hung up. I walked back to the mansion.

In the driveway was another car next to mine, and there were lights on inside. I was instantly suspicious. I walked slowly to the house, ready to defend myself if necessary. I walked into the house, and into the living room. There sat a very familiar vampire with brown hair.

“Elijah.” I whispered.

(A/N: I was going to end the chapter there, but decide to continue.)

He turned and looked at me, offering my a smile.

“Hello, Elizabeth.” he said. I ran and threw myself in his arms. I sobbed into his chest, letting out all my pain.

He stood there shocked for a moment then wrapped his arms around me.

“I don't know what you're upset about, my dear.” he whispered. “But I'm sorry for your pain.”

“K-k-klaus.” I stuttered still sobbing. “M-my b-brothers desiccated him, and now have his body, doing God-knows-what with it.” Elijah stiffened. He still had his arms around me.

Finally, my tears slowed. He pulled my away, holding me at arms, and bending down to look into my eyes.

“I will get his body back. Then we will run from Alaric.” he said.

“Y-you promise?” I whispered. He nodded, and I relaxed. Elijah would figure this out.

“You might want to wait.” I said, suddenly thinking of Elena.

“And why might that be?” he questioned. I explained what I had saw. Elijah nodded.

“We will see what happens with Elena, then make our move.” he said. I nodded, then hugged him again. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

“Thank you Elijah.” I mumbled. He just chuckled. We stood there for a moment.

“I love him, Elijah.” I whispered. Elijah squeezed me tighter.

“I know.” he whispered back. We stood there, holding each other, well into the night.

A/N: Okay, so this was a semi-short chapter. But there was quite a bit of action and revelations. Next chapter will be the season 3 finale. As I said earlier, I am not strictly following the TVD storyline, so there will be some changes to what happens, but it will probably basically be the same. The chapter will probably be up either later tonight/earlier morning tomorrow, or tomorrow afternoon. Until then, comment, vote, do what you do. Until next time!!

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