Chapter 11 - They don't hate you Tommy, they just dislike you

Start from the beginning

"I know how to shoot a gun Tommy." She replied, taking the gun off him. "Will you kill them?"

"No, the police want them alive." He said, and Lillian's eyes widen.

"The police know about this."

"Look just hold it up. Just point right." He told her as he raised her gun in the air. Lillian turned her head as the bell went off. "Alright, go on, go!"

It wasn't long after Lillian stepped into the back room when two men came strolling into the bar, Tommy sat facing them expressionless as the men sat down. Tommy poured them each a drink, but they didn't touch them other than to push the glasses back to Tommy.

"Lost your thirst, eh?" he asked.

"Just show us where." Said one the men - the leader - getting straight to the matter at hand and Tommy fished out a map from the inside of his coat pocket before holding it up in the air to see.

"Give me the cash." Tommy replied, and the leader gave a look to the other man on his right and he took the money out, pushing it towards Tommy on the table. Tommy looked at the money and threw the map on the table. "You're going to need a shovel." The leader took the map, analyzing it before telling the other man it was legit and the two Irish men started chuckling.

"You thick fucking tinker." The man said before bringing out a gun not that Tommy was surprised.

"Did you think we'd let you live? Make your piece Mr. Shelby." The leader said, and Lillian glimpsed around the corner at the pair, gun loaded.

"I will make peace my own way." Tommy said and raised his glass. "To barmaids who don't count."

That was Lillian's que, she walked out and immediately saw a gun at Tommy, acting on impulse she shot the armed man in the head and he instantly fell to the ground dead. A ringing sound was heard in her ears as her breathing quickened and fell heavy as she was reminded of the dreaded war, the noises of death ringing in her ears over and over and over again. She was snapped out of her gaze when a fist when flying her way, she quickly avoided it as if it was second nature and grabbed it, a look of shock washed over the Irish man's face as she round house kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out him and sent him flying into to Tommy who caught the man and brought him to the ground, head-butting him a couple times before he grabbed a metal container and whacked him over the head again and again until Lillian noticed he stopped moving. However, Tommy wasn't stopping as if he was in some trance and she rushed over to him, grabbing him by the edge of his coat and hauled him up.

"Tom stop it, he's dead.!" She shook him a little and he gazed down at her, out of breath as he grabbed the side of her face gently.

"Why did you shoot?" he asked but she didn't answer, so he brought her face closer to his. "Why did you shoot, Lily?" he whispered and in any other circumstance she would ask why he called her that but the adrenaline that rushed through her beforehand had gone and her eyes glazed with tears that never escaped.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what took over me, but I saw the man with the gun pointed at you and I panicked, I didn't want him to hurt you." She rushed out her explanation, shaking her head as she gripped his coat tightly.

"Now you've seen me." He said softly, and Lillian let out a shaky breath.

"And you've seen me." He stared at her and she stared back, closing the gap between them and hugging him as tightly as she thought possible. He returned it, wrapping his arms around her waist and digging his head into her neck, which brought comfort for them both. Her grip tightened - if that was possible - when she felt a soft kiss to neck burying her face further into his shoulder just as they heard the door open. Lillian noticed three police men walk in, looking around at all the mess before Tommy let go of her, turning towards them and Lillian felt cold without his arms around her, wanting nothing more than to hug him again.

"You were supposed to come on the sixth chime. You were supposed to come on the sixth fucking chime!" he shouted at them before leaning against the bar in defeat as a police officer looked at the two bodies on the floor. "They refused to surrender. They fought well, they were brave men."

"Well he looks like he was killed by a wild fucking animal." The officer said, looking Tommy up and down. "Still, this never happened, and they were never here, who cares?"

"Get the bodies out of here."

"All right, are they making the lady uncomfortable?" he asked, and Lillian glared at the man.

"You're the one making me uncomfortable you fucking pig." She seethed, and he glared at her which she returned with a sarcastic smile and a flip of her finger.

"I'll leave you two love birds to it, then, eh?" Tommy didn't respond to the man as he walked away. Tommy turned to Lillian, stretching out his hand.

"Right, I'm taking you home."

Thank you all so much for over 100 votes! I can't believe I've gotten that much and I'm sorry it took so long to update but I have exams and driving lessons which take a lot of time but I'm working on fixing it and if your all still reading this then THANK YOU for OVER 2 THOUSAND READS!!! It's amazing really. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Published 28/02/18

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