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You sighed, stepping into the office yet again for another boring, such a lie, night at work.

You were suddenly scared half to death by the animatronic humanoid bear as you stepped into the office. Causing you to slip and fall backwards.

He caught your waist, pulling you back up and apologized lightly for startling you so badly.

"It's alright, Freddy. Friends forgive one another." You smiled, sitting down in the office chair as he looked at you bewildered.

"You think of me as a friend?" He asks you surprised.

"Y-Yeah....I-....I guess I do.." You smiled up at him.

Him returning the favor.


You glared at the stage coldly, stomping past to the office and crossing your arms carefully, being mindful of your still extremely soar, wound on your right arm thanks to the damn chicken yesterday night.

You glared coldly at the cupcake that was back in the office and grabbed it, throwing it out again but further to where the stage was.

Again the purple bastard came back and had the pink menace in hand.

"Why do you hate Carl so much?" He asks playfully. "He hasn't done anything to you."

"He's fuckin' creepy. His eyes following me and shit." You growl back.

"Well, I would love for my eyes to be able to follow you all day everyday, doll." He winks.

"And um......thanks.....for helping me out yesterday..." You whisper. "You-... yeah.."

"That's what friends, do, doll~ Help one another." He smiles.

You look up, your gaze softening as you allowed a smile to curl onto your lips. Accepting the fact that he called you a friend of his. You had a friend.......


You stared mindlessly at the damn fox as he stared back at you through the screen.

The screen went black as static took over and you freaked out as you heard movement.

You blinked, not focusing on what was going on in the hall as you tried to get the tablet to work again, that was, until you heard a screech. His hook raised as you screamed and threw your arms in front of you as you cowered before him, you heard a loud roar from a familiar animatronic bear of yours and the fox disappeared back down the hallway, frightened.

"(Y/n), dear, are you alright?" Goldie's voice rang out worriedly.

You opened your eyes, finding him crouching in front of you. Checking you over as you stared at him.

You threw yourself against him, his arms instinctively wrapping around you and holding you to calm you down.

You were still shaking in his arms as he held you.

"T-Thank you, G-Goldie.." You whispered.

"That's what friends, do, my dear~" He smiles softly. "I would never allow another soul to harm you."

You smiled at him. Hugging him again as you both composed yourselves and went on talking about random things for the rest of the night. Him making sure none of the other animatronics came close to you.


You huff, walking into the attraction as you speed walk to the office, finding your things gone.

You groan and slam your head against the desk.

"Greeaaaaaat.... Just great. Of course they wouldn't be here..." You growled at yourself. Slamming your head against the table over and over again and calling yourself stupid and other names that aren't very appropriate.

You sigh, bruises forming on your forehead as you glared and glowered while you checked through the cameras, finding something strange that seemed similar to Foxy on the screen.

"What the hell is that?" You ask yourself.

Looking over and hearing the beeping. Meaning you needed to reboot a system.

You screamed as you found the fox launching at you, yet you were unharmed.

You reboot the ventilation, rubbing your eyes.

"Damn hallucinations." You growled.

Getting back to the other tablet.

"Where the fuck is that thing?"

You heard something 'thud' against the window in front of you and jump.

Clutching to the tablet as you huff, looking up as you do a funny accent.

"Who-Who DARES-Oh, FUCK..." You interrupted yourself.

Getting serious as he stood there, staring at you with those dead silver eyes and smirk plastered eternally on his creepy face with all his holes in him. His ear broken as he smelled of death and rotting flesh. Your eyes began to water as you stared at him as best as you could, holding your nose and trying not to throw up.

"UGH!" You seethe. "That smell is AWFUL!!!"

He just kept staring at you while you struggled to keep your eyes open and on him but then you heard an alarm and saw Freddy behind him doing some sort of cha'cha and looked behind him with a 'WTF' face while he turned around and found Freddy there. He sighed and turned back to you, you blinking as he disappeared and reapeared in front of your face, jump-scaring you while he disappeared.

You screamed, falling out of the chair and hitting the back of your head on the floor, causing you to black out and lose conciousness.

You woke up to a male in front of you who reeked of death, similar looking to the animatronic that nearly killed you tonight.

You blinked and stared at him, finding your bag next to you while you sat in the chair. Him standing in your personal space as he leaned in, his arms on the chair while he stared into your eyes.

"W-Who the hell are you!? Where did you come from and why did you have my stuff!?" You demand, covering your nose. "Ugh, you smell just like that animatronic!"

"I AM that animatronic, girl. My name is Springtrap." He growls. "Watch your tone with me, bitch."

"Excuse me!?"

You slap him across the face, slinging his head in that same direction your hand had gone. Him shocked as he had released the arms of the chair and fallen to the floor.

You stand, holding your bag as you stomp out of the office, watching him stare at you shocked while he held his cheek from the burning sensation as you hear the bells go off.

"Thanks a lot, 'Friend'!" You scream, slamming the door behind you as you left.


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