Over It~Ashton Irwin

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Word Count: 1.7k

Warnings: Smut, Swearing.

I entered the doorway, just arriving home from a stressful day at work, boss yelling, bitchy co workers, you know the whole nine, and all I wanted to do was cuddle up with my boyfriend Ashton honestly.

“Babe I’m home! Where are you?” I yelled aloud while searching the living room, and kitchen for him, why the hell wasn’t he answering me. 

As I neared the bedroom all I could hear was slight small cries coming through the room, as I enter the room I see a large figure covered in the duvet, knowing it was Ashton you walked over to the left side of the bed which was empty, and sat beside him, while pulling the covers back. Once he was uncovered, you could tell he was upset which was very unusual for him as he was always happy, literally no matter what he was happy.

He was curled into a ball, shirtless with plaid pajama bottoms on, and messy disheveled hair, and eyes were bloodshot, with his face slightly stained with tears. My heart shattered once I analyzed his appearance, i’ve never seen him like this, ever. In the two years we’ve been together I have never seen him cry, he’s always been upbeat and giggly, even when he’s stressed, i’ve never known someone as chirpy as he was. Ashton was usually the one to comfort me when I was in situations like this, but it’s my turn to comfort him for once.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I cooed as I brushed back some of his hair from his eyes, feeling him tense up slightly as I did so. 

“Nothing.” Is all he said, in a choke.

“Ashton… if you were fine you wouldn’t be in a ball under the covers crying, what’s wrong?” I asked once more in a slightly more stern tone of voice.

“Y/n.. i’m fine I swear baby, I don’t want you to see me like this.” He argued once more.

“Ashton come on, I’ve cried for hours on your lap, you have nothing to hide, come on Ash talk.” I practically demanded this time.

“Fine, fine, It’s just everything. What if the album is terrible, what if the fans basically hate us after such a long hiatus babe, what if the tour fails, what if the album-” He practically choked as the words left his lips. 

But I interrupted before he could finish

“Ash, is that all? I promise the fans will love anything and everything you produce, come on they’re super loyal, come on. Also you’ve all been working hard on the album, don’t worry baby.” I spoke as I rubbed his bare back, softly scratching it with my nails.

“But Y/n….” He slightly whined.

Honestly I don’t think i’ve seen him this vulnerable before, but I did know he’s been extremely stressed during the production of the album, I guess everything bottled up, since it’s so close to releasing.

“Hey.. I think I know how I can take you’re mind of this.” I whispered, which caused him to turn around to face me.

“hmm” was all he replied, sitting up slightly.

“Just relax baby.”  you spoke softly as Ashton laid flat down once again as you crawled on top of his large frame.

“Y/n…” He slightly protested, I knew he was just feeling insecure and unsure of himself at the moment, so I needed to restore the Ashton I know and love.

I leaned in for a kiss, which he hesitantly reciprocated, but once our lips met, he instantly relaxed, almost turning into putty under my touch.                                 After a few minutes, the kiss heated into a full make out session, and his large hands traveled to my waist, traveling up and down both of my sides, I could tell he was getting a little more into it now, and beginning to forget about his stress.

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