Chapter 15: A Twist of Fate

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We were inside the castle and halfway to Gideon's quarters when a messenger burst out from a doorway and almost crashed into us

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We were inside the castle and halfway to Gideon's quarters when a messenger burst out from a doorway and almost crashed into us.

Before Leo could open his mouth to tell the messenger off, he gave a flustered bow. "Prince Leo, you are needed urgently in the servants' quarters."

Leo glowered at him. "I don't have time for this. We need to find Gideon before he kills anyone else!"

"I'm s-sorry, my lord, but I've been told that it's an emergency."

"I'll go to Gideon," I said. "You go to the servants' quarters."

Leo turned his glare on me. "No! You can't go alone! If he is the murderer, it could be the end of you!"

"But if he is the murderer, he could kill someone else while we both tend to this emergency."

"Then take Niles with you. I'll take Odin to the servants' quarters."

"All right."

Leo and Odin turned around and walked back down the corridor. Niles and I carried on to Gideon's quarters in an awkward silence.

When we got there, I knocked on the door. There was no reply.

I pushed the door open slowly, my mouth drying up. "Gideon?"

Still, no one replied.

Niles opened the first door on the right, and I peeked over his shoulder into an empty bedroom. After a long pause, Niles went in and checked around both sides of the bed to be sure. "He's not in here."

There was something heavy hanging between us now; something fuelled by my sinking gut instincts and Niles' decision to search the floor. We knew what we were really looking for.

I opened the door to the middle room, in which I assumed Gideon conducted his experiments. The stench of mivine wafted out, and I slammed the door shut again. "He's not there."

Niles opened the door to Gideon's study and stepped inside. I followed him -- and pulled up short.

Gideon was lying by the table, his eyes open. A silver dagger with a handle like the marble floors of Rory's favourite gambling hall was planted in his chest.

"Oh, gods," I whispered, creeping closer. "Gideon?"

I crouched down and checked his pulse. Nothing.

"Isn't that your dagger?" Niles asked.

I stood up, looking at Rory's gift. "Yes. But it was -- it was stolen from my room. Yesterday. It wasn't me. I swear --"

The front door crashed open. "Captain Grace!"

"Good gods, are the Royal Guard telepathic?" I asked no one in particular. My heart was thundering in my ears. I had a feeling that this was going to go very wrong, very fast.

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