"2 months, two months" Korra replies her voice cracking

"Let's get you home" 

Asami took the broken CEO to air temple Island, A deep hatred boiled inside of her, how dare he hurt Korra, she didn't deserve it 

Asami stood up as she saw mako walk into the island 

Asami wasn't even thinking anymore, her green eyes full of rage, she let out a gust of air pushing mako back 

"Hey what was that for" Mako says as he recovers from the knock 

Asami glare harden once again 

She ran up to him and held him by his classic red scarf

A flame slowly emerged from her hand as her hand made its way to mako's face 

"Woah hold up" Mako says slipping out from Asami grasp

"How dare you hurt her" Asami says gritting her teeth

"Hurt who" Mako says getting into a defensive position 

"Korra you idiot you broke her heart to run off with some girl, and I will destroy you for it" Asami yells before charging at Mako 

A gust of wind knocked Mako back again.

Mako grits his teeth and throws a flame at Asami 

The flame hits her on her shoulder knocking her back

The Avatar form took over, at this point Mako knew he messed up 

"Hey Asami please I'm your friend" Mako says tripping and struggling to get back 

"I don't think I want to be a friend with a cheat" Asami says 

She throw the most powerful gust of air that mako had every seen in his life, his body was flung across the island

Asami eyes returned to her usual Green

"Asami what are you doing" Korra says running out 

"Dealing with the cheat" 

"What did you do"

Asami started right into Korra's eyes

But Korra knew something was off, there was never that emptyness in Asami eyes 

"Asami what's wrong" 

"Korra I almost killed Mako because he hurt the woman I love, I don't have control and your clearly not safe around me, so If i were you I could run, run as fast as you can" Asami says her voice full of ice 

Now at this point most people would be running away from the Avatar, but not Korra, instead she closed the gap between them 

Asami responded my wrapping her arms around the shorter girl neck 

They pull away, Korra looked into The avatar's eyes, they seemed full again 

"I love you too but please don't do that to Mako again" 

Before Asami could respond 

Mako came up the hill, a flame on his fist, he hurls it at Asami 

Before the Avatar could react Korra had Already thrown herself in front of Asami 

The world seemed to freeze for a second 

A red flame was heading right at the chest of the CEO, the Avatar hand was reached out, and a face of pure regret was plastered over the firebenders face 

Before the Avatar knew it Korra's body was on the ground, and Asami was reaching down for Korra 

Tears building up in the Avatar eyes, she let out a scary yell as she cradled Korra, rain started to pour soaking her hair 

Her eyes turned white once again but something was different, her face showed no emotion 

"You killed her, you murdered her" Asami yells charging at Mako 

The bender tried to run away, but it was hopeless 

She had him pinned down in seconds 

"You hurt her" 

"I didn't mean to" 

"Asami stop" Korra yells clutching her shoulder, pain was clearly on her face 

"He hurt you" Asami screams 

"Yes but no one deserves it" Korra says desperately 

Asami slowly rises and walks away from mako 

Korra's knees buckle from underneath her, her body slams against the concrete 

She lets a gasp of pain 

"Korra" Asami screams 

She runs over and cradles her unconscious body 

I told ya I had no inspiration, also sorry for sad chapter, so here ya go sis, shoutout to you, also please check out her story, it's a Rowan X reader, check it out, I cried reading it

Anyway, signing out, if there's an Irish person reading this, I hope the best for you, for people who don't know, Ireland is suffering from a terrible storm and red weather warning,  I should know, it's freezing, also I'm missing exams so it's great 


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